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This lists all the files that need modified, as well as changes to the database, if an anthillpro server is set to bind to an IP, and that IP changes on the host machine. ''PLEASE NOTE that all testing performed on a 3.7.1_53990 server, and this guide will likely differ for newer versions of anthill, especially ones part of the 3.8 branch!''
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This lists all the files that need modified, as well as changes to the database, if an anthillpro server is set to bind to an IP, and that IP changes on the host machine. ''PLEASE NOTE that all testing performed on a 3.7.1_53990 server, and this guide will likely differ for newer versions of anthill, especially ones part of the 3.8 branch!'' If the bind is incorrect from the current IPs available to the server, an error message will appear most likely stating [[Cannot assign requested address: JVM Bind]].
= Changing IPs of the anthillpro server = |
= Changing IPs of the anthillpro server = |