* '''anthill3.publish.dir''' (''defaults to ../var/published''). Storage for published files that are accessible under the Reports tab of the Build Life. |
* '''anthill3.publish.dir''' (''defaults to ../var/published''). Storage for published files that are accessible under the Reports tab of the Build Life. |
+ |
* '''anthill3.reports.dir''' (''defaults to ../var/reports''). Storage for published data files that are not accessible but used by the server.
+ |
* '''anthill3.mavencache.dir''' (''defaults to ../var/mavencache''). Storage for files used with the Maven dependency integration.
+ |
* '''anthill3.changelog.dir''' (''defaults to ../var/changelog''). Storage for data files used internally by AnthillPro for change log processing.
+ |
* '''anthill3.var.dir''' (''defaults to ../var''). The location of the ''\var\'' directory.
+ |
* '''anthill3.logs.dir''' (''defaults to ../var/log''). Storage for logging files using the default logging configuration.
+ |
* '''anthill3.temp.dir''' (''defaults to ../var/temp''). Storage for temporary files that created for short-term temporary use.
+ |
* '''anthill3.work.dir''' (''defaults to ../work/jobs''). The base directory for agent working directories.