This report shows a user details of each Life Cycle Model present within anthill. Along with each LCM, it will list the projects that use this LCM, along with the cleanup policy of each status available. Provides a quick at-a-glance view of an LCM.
Content Type:
Meta-Data Script:
There is no Meta-Data Script associated with this report.
Context Script:
import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.lifecycle.*; import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.*; context.put("lcms", LifeCycleModelFactory.getInstance().restoreAll()); context.put("projectFactory", ProjectFactory.getInstance()); return context;
Template Text:
<html> <body> <ul> #foreach( $lcm in $lcms ) <li>$ used in [ #foreach( $project in $projectFactory.restoreAllForLifeCycleModel($lcm) ) $, #end ] <ul> #set ($cleanup = $lcm.cleanupConfig) #set ($statusGrp = $cleanup.statusGroup) #set ($type = $cleanup.getBaseCleanupType().name) #set ($expiration = $cleanup.getBaseExpiration()) #if ($expiration == 2147483647 ) #set ($expiration = 'forever') #end #set ($minKeep = $cleanup.getBaseMinKeep()) <li>Base - $type (keep for $expiration days, minimum of $minKeep)</li> #foreach( $status in $statusGrp.statusArraySortedByName ) #set ($type = $cleanup.getStatusCleanupType($status).name) #set ($expiration = $cleanup.getStatusExpiration($status)) #if ($expiration == 2147483647 ) #set ($expiration = 'forever') #end #set ($minKeep = $cleanup.getStatusMinKeep($status)) <li>$ - $type (keep for $expiration days, minimum of $minKeep)</li> #end </ul> </li> #end </ul> </body> </html>
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