IBM Rational System Architect for ERP Interface Readme |
IBM Corporation June 18, 2010 |
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1986, 2010
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This file contains last-minute product information and updates to IBM® Rational® System Architect® ERP Interface, the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Meta Data Manager add-on for Rational System Architect. It is divided into the following sections:
For the latest news and information on Rational System Architect, visit the
Rational System Architect ERP Interface is officially supported in the following operating systems:
Rational System Architect is supported on all locales. Specific tests are performed on the English, French, German, and Spanish versions of the Windows operating systems listed above.
To install Rational System Architect ERP Interface, see the installation section in the Getting Started Guide, which is provided as a PDF file on the Rational System Architect ERP Interface download page of IBM Rational's Support Center.
FlexLM LMTools Must Provide License for Rational System Architect ERP Interface
To run Rational System Architect ERP Interface, you should be running a license file that includes permission to run Rational System Architect ERP Interface.
To obtain a license for Rational System Architect ERP Interface, please contact your sales Account Manager.
For details of known problems in Rational System Architect ERP Interface, and how to resolve them, visit the support center on our website at and follow the link to Product information.
Please reference the following documents while using Rational System Architect ERP Interface:
Readme.htm File: The Rational System Architect Readme.htm file is located in the Rational System Architect Information Center:
What's New file: Rational System Architect provides a What's New document, located in the Rational System Architect Information Center: The file provides information on new Rational System Architect features, bug fixes, and Rational System Architect ERP Interface information, as appropriate.
Manuals: Rational System Architect ERP Interface provides the manuals listed below, located in the Rational System Architect Information Center:
Please visit our IBM Rational support overview site at:
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