IBM Rational System Architect V11.3 Known Issues |
IBM Corporation June 1, 2009 |
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1986, 2009
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This file contains known issues with IBM® Rational® System Architect® V11.3. The table below contains Change Request numbers, issue descriptions, and comments (where applicable).
CR # | Description | Comment |
53741 | The System Architect documentation did not contain information about a limitation with creating workspaces. The limitation is that you cannot create workspaces on encyclopedias residing on SQL Server 2000. |
Do not attempt to create workspaces on encyclopedias residing on SQL Server 2000. The related help files and Release Notes have been updated with this limitation and are now available in the Rational System Architect Information Center (updated September 30, 2009). |
52565 | The 'System Architect Process Integrator Installation Guide' contained an erroneous command which would fail to install the SAService.exe as given. On page 6 of the guide, the incorrect command line option is: SystemArchitectXT_11.3.exe /V"SAPI_SERVER="Yes"" The correct command line option is: SystemArchitectXT_11.3.exe /V"SAPI_SERVER=\"Yes\"" |
Use the correct command line above at left. You can also find this information in the 'System Architect Process Integrator Installatoin Guide' on the Rational System Architect Information Center (updated August 10, 2009). |
47780 | System Architect Catalog Manager inappropriately lets users delete a Workspace that is active, or in use by System Architect users. When this occurs, a System Architect dialog displays a ‘Database error’ and System Architect sessions using the deleted Workspace end abnormally. | To avoid this problem, users of System Architect Catalog Manager should ensure no one is using a Workspace before deleting it. |
48016 | In System Architect, when you have a Baseline Workspace open, and attempt to create a new encyclopedia, you are unable to create the new encyclopedia, and the following message is displayed: 'The read-only version cannot create a new encyclopedia path. Please open an existing path.’ | To prevent this error, do not attempt to create an encyclopedia while you have Baseline Workspace open. Instead, consider, shutting down and restarting System Architect, or open a non-Baseline encyclopedia before attempting to create a new encyclopedia. |
48037 | If System Architect shuts down abnormally when you have diagrams opened, the auto-recovery feature inappropriately displays the ‘Select Workspace’ dialog and enables you to select a Workspace, which makes it possible for you to select an incorrect Workspace. | Ensure that you select the correct Workspace. Doing so allows the auto-recovery feature to recover and open your diagram(s). |
48701 | The speed at which Dynamic Views open in the Explorer is slower on all Views other than the ‘All’ Views. The ‘All’ Views opens at optimum speed, while other Views do not. | You can use the ‘Classic Explore’ instead of the ‘Explorer’ for optimum performance. |
49954 | Information is lost when you change UML 2 diagram contents in a Workspace encyclopedia, where diagram is keyed by a parent Workspace | Avoid creating UML 2 diagrams in enyclopedia Workspaces as this feature is not yet supported. |
46771 |
Using an encyclopedia's display name when you open it through the API can be noticeably slower than opening the encyclopedia through a connection string. | If opening an encyclopedia through an API, do not use the encyclopedia’s display name. Use connection strings instead. |
47461 | The following error message is displayed when you uninstall Rational System Architect XT through the ‘Add or Remove Programs’ window: ‘Component not registered.’ | Click ‘OK’ in the error dialog and continue to uninstall the product. |
49986 | When you attempt to merge or extract encyclopedia objects from a baselined Workspace, and you select the ‘All Changes’ option, the objects fail to be merged or extracted. | Do not use the ‘All Changes’ option. Instead, use the ‘Selected Changes’ option to merge or extract successfully. |
47887 | When using the sym.Penstyle or sym.Linestyle in a VBA macro to modify the symbol, the settings do not get applied. For example, using ‘sym.PenStyle = PENSOLID4’ does not work. | Do not use the sym.Penstyle or sym.Linestyle. As an example, use the following code instead ‘sym.SetField SYMFLD_PENSTYLE, PENSOLID4.’ |
47924 | If you customize the installation of System Architect so that System Architect Catalog, System Architect Encyclopedia Manager (SQL Server) or System Architect Encyclopedia Manager (Oracle) are not installed, and you then install System Architect Encyclopedia XT over that customized installation, the shortcut icons for those components are not added to the Start menu. The shortcuts should be added because Rational System Architect XT uses those components to manage users and encyclopedia access. | You can create shortcuts to launch the components and add them manually to the Start menu, Desktop, or elsewhere. |
50286 |
In the Rational System Architect - Rational Focal Point integration, System Architect fails to display attributes in the Focal Point attributes list. The problem only occurs while you are editing an existing Profile in System Architect. |
Since the issue does not occur while you are creating a new Profile in System Architect, a workaround this issue is to create a new Profile after new attributes have been added in Focal Point. |
50435 |
Focal Point allows duplicate names for Workspaces. This makes it possible for System Architect to export data to the wrong Focal Point Workspace. For example, if you have two same-named Workspaces and delete one of them, System Architect allows you to export to the Workspace still present, even though this may not be the correct Workspace. |
A possible workaround is to avoid creating Workspaces with the same name in Focal Point. |
49649 | Previous Root Workspace history values are displayed under the current child Workspace column. For example, suppose you create definition ‘A’ in a Workspace named Root, and baseline the Root Workspace. You then create a Workspace named WS2, from the Root baseline. If you open Workspace WS2, and view definition ‘A’ in the History window, the Workspace column incorrectly displays WS2. It should display Root, the Workspace in which the definition was created. |
There is no workaround for this issue. |
47930 | When you create or modify a diagram property where the LENGTH value is 40000 or higher, in the diagram property dialog, the label for that property is displayed, but you cannot enter data into the field. |
Do not create or modify properties where the LENGTH value exceeds 40000. |
47981 | When you customize the installation of the System Architect Process Integrator for Visio 2003 or Visio 2007, and choose an installation path other than the default, the installation still creates the default installation path, with a duplicate of the “SetSecurity.InstallState” file. |
48097 | When you install System Architect to a custom folder, then install System Architect XT over that custom installation, an additional ‘System Architect Suite’ folder is created. |
All System Architect XT files are created in the location where System Architect is installed |
48157 | When you update a definition property using the ‘Advanced Edit’ feature, the update is not shown in the Property pane, even if you selected ‘Yes’ to refresh the Explorer. |
You can click the 'Refresh' option to view property updates. |
48293 | The ‘Undo’ button becomes disabled when you apply a color scheme to any of the following diagram types: Class, State, Business Process, Organization Chart, Network Concept, Enterprise Direction, or Physical Data Model. |
48307 | If you uninstall System Architect XT when it has been installed over System Architect, a message box stating “Users shall not be able to use SAXT” is displayed, but the message box displayed out of focus, behind the ‘Add or Remove Programs’ dialog. |
48374 | In System Architect Catalog Manager, no warning message is displayed when changes are made to the Users or Roles on an encyclopedia that has been enabled with the ‘Published Optimized XT Reader Views’ (also known as Libnet). |
Users should be notified that hanges to their roles on an encyclopedia enabled with the ‘Published Optimized XT Reader Views’ have been made. |
49687 | The 'Optimize XT Reader Views' do not get updated in System Architect
Catalog Manager when you add permissions. |
For permissions to be updated, you have to exit System Architect Catalog Manager, reopen it, and click on the 'Publish Optimized XT Views' menu option. |
48630 | When you import an XML file of an Entity Relationship Diagrams containing 2 entity symbols, but only one of them has a definition, both entity symbols are imported into the repository. Only one entity symbol is shown on the diagram, but a Delete Diagram preview shows tow entities. |
A workaround for this issue is to move one the entity symbol shown on the diagram, and save the diagram. Afterwards, only the entity shown on the diagram is shown on the Delete diagram preview. |
49044 | The OV-5 diagram is not autorefreshed after after you branch ICOMS. |
49969 | System Architect Process Integrator files are installed directly into the ‘C:’ drive without any folder being created. |
48503 | It is not possible to move packages across packages by dragging them in UML tab. |
49826 | The System Architect Explorer is not refreshed when you pressing the F5 key. |
49973 | Incorrect message - Auto-Arrange Left to Right without save. |
50460 | Incorrect stylesheet for lines on Business Process diagram. |
50630 | System Architect XT is not able to log into a Workspace-enabled encyclopedia. |
50204 | ‘Generate User Prop..’ option not functioning in baseline enabled encyclopedia. |
50289 | The Edit button in the property pane is improperly enabled for a baselined (read only) encyclopedia. |
50535 | System Architect Encyclopedia Manager (Oracle) displays an internal code error after you delete an encyclopedia in Oracle database. |
51906 | While trying to open an encyclopedia with Rational System Architect 11.3, an error message similar to the following may be displayed: “Unprintable char at line#12: at char position# 27." | The workaround for this issue is to delete the ‘solnprops.cfg’ file in the temp folder. Additionally, you should modify the ‘solnprops.cfg’ file in the encyclopedia so that either a blank line or a comment is the last line in that file. To do this, you have to export the ‘solnprops.cfg’ file, modify it (as described above), and import it back into the encyclopedia. See the Rational System Architect online help for information on the temp folder and modifying files in the encyclopedia. |
For details of problems that have been resolved in Rational System Architect V11.3, view the Whatsnew.htm file provided in the C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\System Architect Suite\11.3\System Architect directory.
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