Telelogic Synergy 7.0 Readme |
IBM Corporation 1 November, 2008 |
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1992, 2008
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This file contains last-minute product information for and updates to Telelogic® Synergy™ 7.0.
It is divided into the following sections:
For the latest news and information
on Telelogic Synergy, visit the Web site at
For additional information on system requirements, including recommended configurations, visit the Telelogic Synergy Support Web site.
For the latest information about third party products that are supported with Telelogic Synergy, visit the Telelogic Synergy Support Web site.
Telelogic Synergy 7.0 is certified only in the C locale. IBM supports use in any locale using the Latin-1 character set or the Windows extension CP 1252; however, such locales have not been tested. Use in locales using non-Latin-1 character sets is not supported. Telelogic Synergy displays dates and times in locale-appropriate formats, but dates and times as input are recognized only in US formats. Telelogic Synergy does not adapt messages, numeric formats, or sorting orders according to the locale.
Telelogic Synergy 7.0 is compatible with the following products:
Telelogic Synergy 7.0 is DCM-compatible with the following versions:
For a list of supported product integrations, visit the Telelogic Synergy Support Web site.
Telelogic Synergy 7.0 is available in the following formats:
See the Telelogic Synergy Installation Guide for detailed directions about installing Telelogic Synergy.
A new license is required for Telelogic Synergy 7.0.
Telelogic Synergy 7.0 uses the Telelogic License Server. The Telelogic License Server is a FLEXlm-based license server that manages licenses for Telelogic products. You must upgrade or install the Telelogic License Server to use Telelogic Synergy 7.0. See Telelogic Lifecycle Solutions Licensing for detailed information.
Changes to Telelogic Synergy 7.0 from the previous release are summarized below. See the following sections for details.
Important! Before you upgrade to Telelogic Synergy release 7.0, carefully read this entire readme document and Appendix B of the Telelogic Synergy Upgrade Instructions.
The primary goal of Telelogic Synergy release 7.0 is improved performance for users accessing a Synergy database across a wide area network (WAN). This enables distributed team members around the world to work together on a central Synergy server without using data replication, thereby reducing complexity and administration costs.
Although the performance improvements are most dramatic for users with a high latency (slow) network connection, most local area network (LAN) users also will enjoy significantly improved performance.
To improve performance, Telelogic Synergy 7.0 introduces a new communication architecture called Web Mode. Synergy sessions can be started in either Traditional Mode, which is similar to 6.5, or Web Mode, which is much faster and suitable for WAN or remote users.
For end users, Web Mode and Traditional Mode look and behave very similar. The differences are described below.
Web Mode is appropriate for most users. Traditional Mode is appropriate for administrators, Unix client users who need link-based work areas, and users doing migration.
Traditional Mode will be phased out in a future release, but it minimizes risk of upgrade to release 7.0. If some users find that Web Mode is not suitable for them, they can continue to use Traditional Mode for the time being.
For more information about the architecture, see the Telelogic Synergy Administration Guide.
Web Mode users are authenticated via TDS, which is an LDAP directory service. The TDS installation and user definitions can be shared with other products such as Telelogic Change. Web Mode users must also be added as users in the Synergy databases they will access; this permits them to start sessions on those databases and defines which roles are available to them in each database.
It is not necessary to create operating system (OS) accounts on the server for Web Mode users. Web Mode is well-suited for remote or offshore users who may tend to change more frequently, because you can add them to TDS and the appropriate Synergy databases without assistance from your system administrator.
Traditional Mode users are authenticated against the OS as in previous releases. Traditional Mode is suitable for administrators and local long-term users.
The Unix Engine Start Daemon (ESD) service is not required for users to start Web Mode sessions. If Traditional Mode users still need to access the server through a firewall, or if you run Telelogic Change, the ESD must run on the server; however, Web Mode users must not have the option engine_daemon=true set in the ccm.ini file when they start sessions.
Web Mode users must always provide a password in order to start a session. The “trusted users” feature that enables Windows client users to start sessions without a password is not supported for Web Mode users. For information on the use of passwords in scripts, see Starting and managing sessions in New command line interface (CLI).
For more information on user authentication, see the Telelogic Synergy Administration Guide.
The program to manage work areas was rewritten for Web Mode to be more efficient and faster. Traditional Mode continues to manage work areas in the same way as previous releases.
The new work area is identical in behavior to the classic work area as much as possible. The data in the file system is identical, so it is possible for a user to switch between Web Mode (new work area) and Traditional Mode (classic work area) sessions if needed. Users may do this as a workaround if they find an issue in the new work area.
Important! Users should not run Web Mode and Traditional Mode sessions on the same work area at the same time.
Link-based work areas are not supported in Web Mode yet. Users who use link-based work areas must run Synergy in Traditional Mode.
Telelogic Synergy 7.0 provides a new CLI for use with Web Mode. It is called the Synergy CLI.
The CLI from previous releases is unchanged, and is now referred to as the Classic CLI. It works with Traditional Mode and the classic work area. Because the Classic CLI is still available, there is no urgency to port all of your scripts to the new Synergy CLI.
Important! If you have scripts that run on work areas that will be maintained by GUI sessions in Web Mode starting in 7.0, you should update those scripts to use the Synergy CLI rather than the Classic CLI. The Web Mode work area and Traditional Mode work area are compatible, but running Web Mode and Traditional Mode sessions in parallel on the same work area may cause data loss.
The Synergy CLI does not contain all of the functionality from the Classic CLI yet, but in many ways, it is better. It is faster than the Classic CLI, and provides better consistency, improved formatting capabilities, and several new commands.
The Synergy CLI is backward compatible with the Classic CLI as much as possible, so many scripts will run almost unchanged. The messages intended for users have been improved, but messages intended for program consumption (for example, messages whose output is typically read by a script and then acted upon) have not changed.
Telelogic Synergy 7.0 includes new help for the Synergy CLI. For more details on any of the information summarized in this section, see the Synergy CLI help.
To start the Synergy CLI, specify the ccm start
with the –s
(server) flag and the URL of the CCM server.
For example:
$ ccm start –d database_path –s http://galaxy:8400 –pw password
The password is required for the Synergy CLI even on Unix, since Web Mode
sessions are authenticated using TDS. On Unix, you can use the ccm
command to save the password in an encrypted file
in your home directory. If that file exists and you do not specify
the password, Telelogic Synergy will use the password from that file.
On Windows, you must specify the password with the start command in
order to start a Synergy CLI session.
To tell which kind of session you are running, use the ccm status
command. Classic CLI sessions are shown as "Classic Command Interface" and
Synergy CLI sessions are shown as "Command Interface". For example:
$ ccm status
Sessions for user fred:
Graphical Interface @ sirius:51765:
Database: /vol/ccmdb/mydb/db
Private Session @ sirius:51771:
Database: /vol/ccmdb/mydb/db
Classic Command Interface @ sirius:61029:
Database: /vol/ccmdb/mydb/db
Command Interface @ sirius:52515: (current session)
Database: /vol/ccmdb/mydb/db
Current project: 'commons,fred'
("Private Session" indicates a back end session used by a Synergy GUI session
running in Traditional Mode. You should not issue commands to a private
session because it is reserved for use by the Synergy GUI.)
The following ccm commands are available in the Synergy CLI. (These are
mostly identical in behavior to the same commands in the Classic CLI.)
The following two new commands are introduced in the Synergy CLI.
saves and lets you display your
recently-executed CLI commands. It is similar to the Unix history
command, or the Windows command history accessed via the up and down arrows
on your keyboard.
enables you to get the Synergy log files
from the server. You would use this as requested by Support when working
with them to debug issues.
The following commands are available in the Synergy CLI, but the options shown
below are not yet available:
- Link-based work area options
ccm attr -cp
- Several
ccm dcm
options, including
, -change
, -modify -settings
- Some
ccm finduse -folder
and ccm folder -finduse
ccm groups -create
, -edit
, and -list
ccm process_rule -compare
ccm release -rename
ccm work_area -find
and -dbpath
- All
ccm -g
options (used to display a dialog in the Classic GUI)
The ccm project
command has changed. See help for more information.
The ccm dcm
command has new options for –mark_up_to_date
and –recompute -releases
. See help for more information.
The ccm groups
command has a new –unassign
For details, see help.
The following ccm commands are not yet available in the Synergy CLI. They are
mostly administrative. Use the Classic CLI to run these commands.
The ccmdb
, ccmsrv
, and ccmadm
are not a part of the Synergy CLI, but are available as they were in previous
The “3.2 commands” such as ccm bindsite
are not available in the
Synergy CLI. These commands are not defined by default, but you may have been
instructed by Support to define these in your .ccminit file in a previous release.
Dropped legacy features
The following features are not supported in the Synergy CLI and will not be
supported in the future.
- Manual reconfigure/update properties, including the following command.
ccm project_grouping
and ccm process_rule
place of these commands.
ccm reconfigure_properties
ccm update_properties
- Object-status based CM
- ACcent customization commands:
ccm define
, ccm
, and ccm load
- Use of
"" to bypass the requirement that a task must
be specified
- Obsolete DCM options to support data formats prior to release 6.3,
including project instance mapping and non-XML interchange formats for DCM
and import/export
Command formatting
The Synergy CLI provides much more extensive formatting options than the
Classic CLI for the output from query and similar commands, and is capable
of producing nicely formatted reports. Here are some of the formatting
options available.
- Strings can be formatted using either Java MessageFormat or printf
- You can use escape sequences to embed special characters in the output,
such as newline (
), tab (\t
), and backslash
- You can format dates using the
option of the
query command, and dates are sorted by value rather than alphanumerically.
For example:
> ccm query ... -f "%{completion_date[dateformat=\" a 'on' EEEE, MMMM dd yy\"]}"
1) 8.14 AM on Friday, September 12 08
2) 21.56 PM on Sunday, September 14 08
3) 18.22 PM on Monday, September 15 08
4) 14.24 PM on Tuesday, September 16 08
5) 15.08 PM on Wednesday, September 17 08
- String fields such as task numbers and release numbers sort numerically,
rather than alphanumerically; for example, when sorting by task number,
task 8 no longer appears after task 12.
- You can sort in ascending or descending order; you can sort by multiple
fields; and you can sort by fields not shown in the output. The following
example shows sorting by multiple fields.
> ccm query ... -format "%displayname %resolver %release" –sortby +release+resolver
1) 102 fred 1.0
2) 101 joe 1.0
3) 1000 fred 1.1
4) 1003 joe 2.0
- A new
option enables you to group query output
by values such as the resolver.
> ccm query ... -format "%displayname %task_synopsis" –groupby
"Resolver: %resolver"
Resolver: fred
1) 101 Fix defect M#12345
2) 1000 Implement sorting
Resolver: joe
3) 102 Implement date formatting
4) 1003 Extend grouping feature
- String or text fields can be truncated to a certain column length, or
wrapped to fit within that field length.
See help for more information on formatting.
Options, preferences, and settings
The Classic CLI reads preferences from the database, the ccm.ini file in the
installation directory, and your ccm.ini file in your home or profile directory.
The Synergy CLI reads preferences from the database, the file
in the installation directory, and your file in your home
or profile directory. Review the file in the installation to
see what you can set. Many new options are available, including command
output format options. Not all preferences supported in the Classic CLI
are available in the Synergy CLI.
Object specifications
The Synergy CLI has a complete and consistent syntax for identifying objects
of all types, and the various specifications can be used consistently
throughout commands. See help for complete details.
Interactive or piped mode
The Classic CLI enables you to run the program ccm
, and then
interactively enter commands at the ccm>
prompt, or use the
ccm source
command to read and run a series from a file. This
avoids the cost of starting the ccm
process for each command,
and is sometimes used within scripts or programs for performance reasons.
This mode is not yet available with the Synergy CLI.
Cross-computer security restrictions
The Classic CLI permits users to issue commands to a CLI running on a different
computer, using the depracated .rhosts file for authentication.
The Synergy CLI does not support this capability. After starting a Synergy
CLI session, all commands must be issued from the system where the ccm
command was run. This ensures that the user issuing commands
is authorized to access that session.
Stdout, stderr, and return status
In the Classic CLI, all output goes to stdout. In the Synergy CLI, normal
output and progress messages go to stdout, and error messages go to stderr.
When writing scripts for the new CLI, be sure to capture the output from
stderr as well as stdout.
The Synergy CLI is more consistent about command return status. The following
status values are used.
Return status...
1, 2 or 3
Invalid command syntax, invalid option or argument
4 or 8
Other error during execution
Command not implemented
Query found no results
Command usage shown
Converting Classic CLI scripts to run with the Synergy CLI
A paper on converting to the Synergy CLI will be available in the coming weeks.
Check the Support site.
Changes to the Synergy graphical user Interface (GUI)
The Synergy GUI can be started in Web Mode or Traditional Mode. All
functionality is the same except that link-based work areas are not supported
when running in Web Mode.
To start the Synergy GUI in Web Mode, specify the URL of the CCM Server for
your database in the Server field of the start dialog. If you enter a hostname
in the Server field, your session will start in Traditional Mode. (The Classic
GUI runs only in Traditional Mode.)
The Synergy GUI shows the server or hostname in the bottom right corner.
A URL indicates that the session is running in Web Mode, whereas a hostname
indicates that the session is running in Traditional Mode.
Other changes in the Synergy GUI include:
- DCM transfer set maintenance
Any object that can be included in a transfer set now has a Transfer Sets pane
in the Properties dialog. Users with the dcm_mgr privilege can add objects to
transfer sets using copy/paste or the Select Transfer Set dialog. The Query
dialog also has full support for querying and viewing transfer sets.
Generating and receiving DCM packages is not supported from the Synergy GUI;
use the CLI or Classic GUI.
- New welcome page
The Synergy GUI displays a web page in the work pane the first time a new user
starts a session. This page, called the welcome page, provides options to help
users get started or find more information; for example, it gives options to
create a new project, open a project, or visit the Support site.
This page can be opened any time from the Help menu.
The page source is stored in the etc\welcome\
directory in the
Synergy client installation. You can configure the page source, for example,
to add links to your Intranet or central documentation site. The GUI’s
embedded web browser supports simple HTML only, and does not support
scripting, so if you decide to configure the page, keep your changes simple
and set up links so that other pages are opened in a separate browser.
Changes to the welcome page would need to be deployed to all clients,
and you would need to merge your changes when you upgrade Synergy.
- Easier error reporting
There is a new option on the Help menu to submit a support request. This
option opens a dialog where you can enter a question or record a defect.
It collects information about your Synergy installation, build number, JRE,
and operating system, and also gathers relevant log files from both client
and server. You can attach extra files or remove files if you’d like. It also
offers options to create a snapshot or recording and attach it to the request;
these options can be used to demonstrate the issue.
When the user submits the request, it is emailed to an address that is configured
in the etc/system_info.txt
file in the Synergy server installation.
By default, the email address is not defined. You will probably want to route
support requests to your internal support team so that you can monitor issues
and prevent end users from accidentally sending confidential information
outside the company.
After changing the email address on the server, you must restart the router.
- Improved keyboard navigation
Compliance with IBM Standards
Telelogic Synergy release 7.0 was updated to comply with IBM technical, legal,
and marketing requirements, in order to ensure quality of the products and
protection of intellectual rights.
In the process of updating Telelogic Synergy 7.0 to comply with IBM standards,
the following changes were made:
- Copyrights, trademarks, license information, and notices were updated.
- The Java Runtime Environments bundled with Telelogic Synergy on all platforms
were upgraded to the IBM Java JRE version 1.6.
- Telelogic Synergy 7.0 was certified as Java compatible.
- The tutorial.cpk packfile containing sample code for JRisk was replaced with
a training.cpk packfile containing sample code for JavaGameBook. The tutsetup
program was removed, but the Windows installer provides an option to unpack
- Some underlying utilities used to archive, package, and compress data in
Telelogic Synergy were replaced with alternative programs. These changes should
be transparent to Telelogic Synergy users and administrators. For details about
this change, see the Telelogic Synergy Upgrade Instructions.
- ObjectMake is no longer supported for new customers starting with Telelogic
Synergy 7.0. Customers who used ObjectMake in previous releases can continue to
use ObjectMake; see the Telelogic Synergy Upgrade Instructions for more information.
- The feature to migrate data into Telelogic Synergy from PVCS archives was
removed. To migrate PVCS data, contact Professional Services for assistance.
- Underlying utilities used for compare and merge in the Classic GUI and Classic
CLI were replaced with alternative programs. These changes should be transparent
to users, but it is possible that the results of merge will differ slightly from
previous releases.
- The ico program was removed from the CCM_HOME/samples directory.
- Merge tools MergeAhead (for Unix) and diffmrge (for Windows) that were available
in previous releases are no longer available.
- The Jetty web server was upgraded to version 5.1.14, and several components
not used by Telelogic Synergy were removed from the installation.
- Contributed programs in the extras directory were removed from the Telelogic
Synergy installation, including the ccm_annotate program. Check IBM DeveloperWorks
for free add-ons that work with Telelogic Synergy 7.0.
Upgrading to Telelogic Synergy 7.0
Telelogic Synergy 7.0 is a big release with many improvements, and also many
underlying changes. Before upgrading, it is a good idea to test carefully and
thoroughly, as described in the Telelogic Synergy Upgrade Instructions. Telelogic
Synergy 7.0 provides some new utilities for use during the upgrade process.
Before you decide to upgrade, consider the following points:
- ActiveCM is not supported in Telelogic Synergy 7.0. This includes both the
Windows Explorer integration and the Taskbar interface with file monitoring.
These features will be available in a future release.
- Release 7.0 has changed some of its underlying utilities used for data
archiving and storage. See Appendix B of the Telelogic Synergy Upgrade
Instructions for more information.
- For customers who are new to Telelogic Synergy and starting out with
release 7.0, ObjectMake is no longer supported. Customers who used ObjectMake
in previous releases can continue to use ObjectMake with release 7.0. See the
Telelogic Synergy Upgrade Instructions for details.
For more information on installation, see the Telelogic Synergy Upgrade Instructions.
Important! Before you upgrade, be sure to carefully read Appendix B
of the Telelogic Synergy Upgrade Instructions.
Known problems
For details about known problems in Telelogic Synergy 7.0 and how to work around
them, visit the support center on the Telelogic Synergy Support
Web site.
Fixed problems
For details about problems that have been resolved in Telelogic Synergy 7.0,
visit the support center on the Telelogic Synergy Support Web site.
Contact Support
Support and information for Telelogic products is currently being
transitioned from the Telelogic Support site to the IBM Rational Software
Support site. During this transition phase, your product support location
depends on your customer history.
If you are a heritage customer, meaning you were a Telelogic customer prior
to November 1, 2008, visit the Telelogic Synergy
Support site.
Telelogic customers will be redirected automatically to the IBM Rational
Software Support site after the product information has been migrated.
If you are a new Rational customer, meaning you did not have Telelogic-licensed
products prior to November 1, 2008, visit the IBM Rational
Software Support site.
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