Rational DOORS version Known Problems |
IBM Corporation 29 March, 2010 |
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1993, 2010;
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This file contains details of known problems in IBM® Rational® DOORS® (Rational DOORS).
It is divided into the following sections:
For the latest news and information on Rational DOORS, visit the
Rational Software Support site.
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
The 'From' line in email messages sent from the Change Proposal System may display Japanese characters as question marks (?). | The problem is reported in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;324603. This contains information that may help resolve this issue. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
19919 | In a formal module, create an attribute and include a ? (question mark) in the attribute name. Filter the module on this attribute, and save the filter in a view. Clone the module, selecting the filter view, and the 'Columns' check box. A DXL error is displayed, and the clone is incomplete. | Remove the question mark from the attribute name before you clone the module. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
28902 | If two users are pasting objects from one place to another at the same time a "paste failed: lock request timed out" error message is displayed. | Wait and redo the paste. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
20228 | If you resize an OLE Object that has been inserted in DOORS using Insert > OLE Object, then export the OLE object to Word, the OLE is displayed in Word at its full size. This is because Word controls the OLE size, not DOORS. | None. |
20294 | Export a DOORS module to Microsoft Word in Table format, and select 'Ignore DOORS column widths in table layout export, AutoFormat instead'. Any bold characters in the object text of the module are not bold in the export. | None. |
25550/26278 | You cannot export embedded OLE objects to PowerPoint 2007. | Copy the whole of the doors object into the clipboard and then paste it into the PowerPoint presentation. |
26803 | If you create a new template in Word, and import it into DOORS before you save it, there will be a VB 5151 runtime error. | Always save new Word templates before you import them into DOORS. |
30779 | When you export a Rational DOORS module to Word that contains an Excel OLE object, the OLE object is displayed in the Word document as an icon. If you then double-click the icon, the OLE object is displayed. However, when you subsequently close the OLE object, it no longer display as an icon. | Instead of double-clicking the OLE object, right-click it, select Worksheet Object > Convert, and select Display as icon. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
28491 | Citrix only The default browser in DOORS when using Citrix does not allow you to open any external links. |
In DOORS, select Tools > Options, then select the Settings tab. In the Web Browser field, change the location to something more appropriate for Citrix (perhaps E: or M:). |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
32287 | There is no Japanese translation for the Generate Support Request tool. | None. |
32426 | When using Generate Support Request for the first time, if the user ICN number is not available to enter in the dialog, the user cannot continue or cancel the dialog. | Enter a temporary ICN number and manually update the number at a later date. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
22127 | If you import a table object as an OLE object from Word 2003, two instances of the OLE object are imported. |
None. |
30565 | If you import from RTF to Rational DOORS, some symbols entered using Insert > Symbol are not imported. | None. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
17493 | In a module that has an enumerated attribute displayed in a column, double-click to in-place edit object text, then double-click to edit an enumerated attribute, then double-click to edit the object text again. It may appear that both attributes are in editable state. When you type, text is entered into the object text, but when you click away from the object text you have edited, the edit is lost. Changes to the enumerated attribute are not lost. | None. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
28878 | There can be occasions when you cannot install the DOORS Client after you have installed the DOORS Database Server. | Install the DOORS Client before you install the DOORS Database Server. |
29011 | If Japanese characters are included in the Program Files path when installing the DOORS Database Server and the DOORS Client, the DOORS Database Server cannot be uninstalled. | Uninstall the DOORS Client first. |
29554 | If you uninstall the DOORS Database Server and then the DOORS Example Data, the DOORS Server folder is not removed from the registry. | Uninstall the DOORS Example Data before you uninstall the DOORS Database Server. |
30148 | There is a very rare case where an upgrade of Rational DOORS 9.0 to 9.2 fails on Vista. If you install Rational DOORS 9.0 onto a clean operating system, then upgrade to 9.2, the upgrade fails. | When you install Rational DOORS 9.0, install the Rational DOORS Database Server before you install the client. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
Rhapsody Integration If you install Rhapsody after you install DOORS, the video capture button in the Generate Support Request dialog box causes a run-time error. |
Install Rhapsody before you install DOORS. | |
Rhapsody Integration (2434) If you include an attachment when you use the Generate Support Request option, and you have included an attachment in a previous request, the old attachment is included along with the new attachment. |
Delete the file supportZip.zip from C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\zipAttach folder before you send the new request. | |
14971 | Rose Integration. If you try any of the Rose based DRL operations (Send to DOORS, Update DOORS and Find in DOORS) without having DOORS open then DRL will attempt to start it. This leads to the DOORS login screen appearing alongside a DXL interaction window. The errors may refer to a file "C:\Temp\drlcmds" and may also refer to "incorrectly concatenated tokens" or an "undeclared variable". |
Open DOORS before trying to perform operations from Rose to DOORS |
15478 | Rose Integration. If you select an item in DOORS try to use the find "Find in DOORS" function while the desired object is in an open module, it may appear that nothing has happened. The correct filter has been applied but the module has not been given focus. |
Bring module to front to see filtered objects |
15870 | ClearQuest Integration If you run more than one DOORS session using the same DOORS client on a machine, you can only run ClearQuest Integration in one of the DOORS sessions. If you attempt to run ClearQuest Integration in a second session using the same DOORS client, DXL errors are generated, and the connection to the ClearQuest database is lost. |
None. |
21364 | ClearQuest Integration Renaming the ClearQuest defect record type is not supported by ClearQuest. To see details of this known problem on the IBM Support Site click here |
None. |
23981 | TestDirector Integration
If you initiate synchronization from DOORS, and then stop the TestDirector server before the synchronization is complete, the synchronization status does not report that the TestDirector server has been stopped. |
Do not stop the TestDirector server when synchronization is in progress. |
26824 | TestDirector Integration
When you install TestDirector Integration with DOORS 8.3 there is a problem with IAS configuration. |
After you've installed the Integration Server, you need to
make the integration available for IAS configuration.
1. Create the following folder: C:/Documents and Settings/Default User/Application Data/Telelogic/DOORS/Dictionary2. Set the access permissions for the C:/Documents and Settings/Default User/Application Data/Telelogic folder: a. Navigate to C:/Documents and Settings/Default User/Application Data/Telelogic and right-click Properties.3. Select the ASPNET user and select Full Control. 4. Click OK. |
30567 | Quality Center Integration If you set up a mandatory linkset pairing in Quality Center Integration, synchronization fails. |
Set up the linkset pairing using a Rational DOORS links module. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
29342 | If you don't provide any license information during installation, you will not be able to start DOORS without creating an environment variable. | Create a user-defined environment variable called
TELELOGIC_LICENSE_FILE. 1. Right-click My Computer, and select Properties then the Advanced tab. 2. Click the Environment Variables button. 3. Click New, and enter a valid path to the license server (19353@license_server_name). DOORS can now access a license and successfully launches. |
29423 | If all the licenses have already been checked out and you try to borrow a license, you cannot see you've been unsuccessful or the reason without changing the size of the Borrow Status column. You can do this by dragging the top right-hand corner of the column but it is not apparent that this is possible. | Resize the column. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
24864 | If you use the Create Links tool to create a link between two modules, and you have read-only access to the target module, which is not currently open, the Raise button on the Create Links dialog box does not open the target module. | Open the target module manually before creating the link. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
31290 | System attributes are not translated when using a localized system. | None. |
31392 | Spelling checker message are not translated when using a localized system. | None. |
31398 | The Database Administration tool is not translated on localized systems. | None. |
31399 | The File > Baseline > View > Signatures > Configure tab may not be displayed when using a localized system. | None. |
31596 | The File > Print dialog is not fully translated when using a localized system. | None. |
31675 | The File > Module Properties > History tab is not fully translated in the Only Show Entries With section | None. |
32504 | When you install DOORS on a Japanese locale, choosing Japanese characters in the installation path results in a non-localized version of DOORS displayed. | When you install the Rational DOORS client in Japan, you must accept the default location. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
29967 | If the clipboard is not empty, you cannot copy text from the Location field in the DOORS Database Explorer. | Select Edit > Clear in the DOORS Database Explorer before you copy text in the Location field. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
28299 | Citrix only. Select Tools > Options, then select the Settings tab. In the Web Browser field, the final double-quotes (") has been omitted from the default location. This is resulting in errors. |
Add the final double-quotes (") manually. |
29933 | Equations copied and pasted from Word 2007 are pasted as static images and are not editable. | Insert the Equation in Word by selecting Insert > Object, then selecting Microsoft Equation 3.0 from the list. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
32578 | DOORS ACLs are not preserved when migrating users from standalone TDS 3.0 to RDS 5.0. | None. |
32586 | Migrated users will not be able to log on to DOORS after migrating from standalone TDS 3.0 to RDS 5.0. | None. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
32792 | When you recover the locks for a RIF definition, it should be removed from the list of RIF definitions that that are displayed on the Recover Locks window. Currently, the RIF definition continues to be displayed. | None. |
32860 | You cannot remove a RIF definition that contains a module that has had its locks recovered without opening the module before you open the RIF definition dialog box. | Open the module that has had its locks recovered before you open the RIF definition dialog box. |
32902 | If you recover the locks for a module and then try to make it a baseline, an error is displayed and the operation fails. | Close then re-open the module. |
33109 | When you merge a module, it does not need to have any locks recovered. Consequently, the RIF definition that contains the module should not be displayed in the list on the Recover Locks window. Currently, the RIF definition is displayed. | Recover the locks. |
33152 | If the link module that is used by default is renamed after a RIF package has been imported, the wrong links module is used when any new links are created. | Set the default link module for the imported modules to the imported link module. All links added in the database are added to the imported link module and these are returned and merged in the local database. |
33193 | If a merged module contains user-defined attributes, the attribute definitions are not editable, even when the user has full control over the module. | Recovering the locks in the module makes the attribute definitions editable. |
33525 | If objects in a module have been locked as a result of a RIF export, users can still edit the the locked objects using Rational DOORS Web Access or the Rational Requirements Composer interface. | None. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
30593 | When you use Rational Doors tables, you can choose which attribute is included in table cells using View > Table Attribute. The chosen attribute is then displayed on screen and is included in simple printouts. However, the chosen attribute is not included if you export to Word; the object text is displayed regardless of what has been chosen as the table attribute. | Set the table attributes using the Table Properties sheet. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
30282 | There are occasions when if you follow a URL, and there is no Rational DOORS client running on your computer, an error message is displayed. | Delete the following hidden file: C:\Documents and Settings\computer_user\Local Settings\Temp\ dxl_server_registry.dat. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
31646 | When a Linux DOORS Database Server is configured to use a secure port, the two-factor authentication feature does not function. | None. |
Defect Number | Summary | Workaround |
29603 | If you select or clear the Show Welcome Screen at start-up option, navigate away from the Welcome Screen without closing, and exit the DOORS Explorer, the change is not stored. | Close the Welcome Screen after you select or clear the Show Welcome Screen at start-up option. |