IBM Rational Change for HP
March 2009
Copyright IBM Corporation <2002>, <2009>
Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted
by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
This file contains last-minute product information and updates to IBM Rational Change and HP Quality Center Interface 3.7. It is divided into the following sections:
* Contacting IBM Rational Support
* Notices
For the latest news and information on IBM Rational Change for HP Quality Center Interface, visit the IBM Rational website at
Before you install the integration, you must have the following installed as described later in the Setup Instructions.
The integration is supported on the following platforms.
This integration is supported in the following Windows locales: IBM supports use in any locale using the Latin-1 character set or the Windows extension CP 1252; however, such locales have not been tested.
To install the IBM Rational Change for HP Quality Center Interface, you need to:
These steps are described below.
To install the IBM Rational Change for HP Quality Center Interface on a dedicated machine, do the following:
C:\Program Files\IBM Rational Change 5.1\cs_app\webapps\synergy\WEB- INF\cr_process
C:\Program Files\IBM Rational Change 5.1\cs_app\webapps\synergy\WEB- INF\package_templates
The tdcsConfig.xml file in your IBM Rational Change for HP
Quality Center Interface installation directory, allows you set the logging
level for your IBM Rational Change Synchronization Service. The size of the log
files is set to a default value of 5 (5 Megabytes.) in the tdcsConfig.xml file.
You could change the log file size by changing this value. The default setting
for maintaining history of log files is ‘keepOldLogFile’ is 1. For the manual
Migration and Synchronization operations you can select the logging levels
within the IBM Rational ChangeLifecycle Manager dialogs. The ‘TimePatterns’
section in the tdcsConfig.xml file defines the date/time format used for IBM
Rational Change query and
R24379: Repair option from Add/Remove Programs gives an error message. If your installation is damaged, uninstall the integration and install it again in the same directory. The uninstall program will not remove your links, logs, or last sync times.
Example: Just add a
comment in R&D comments field.
Listbox Updates:
IBM Rational Change Lifecycle Manager and the IBM Rational
Change for HP Quality Center Interface service should be restarted any time
choices are added, removed, or modified in a listbox attribute in either IBM
Rational Change or
If your databases are not DCM enabled, you must not
synchronize more than one IBM Rational Change database with a single
If you are using DCM and all your databases are DCM enabled,
you may sync more than one IBM Rational Change database with the same
Initializing DCM after beginning use of this integration is not recommended at this time.
This integration will work with any custom IBM Rational
Change and
Name: td_problem
Web type: CCM_STRING
Database type: string
The ‘R&D Comments’ field in Quality Center must be mapped to a IBM Rational Change attribute defined as having the CCM_TEXT web type.
IBM Rational recommends that the td_problem and R&D Comments attributes in IBM Rational Change have security rules such that only users with the pt_admin role can modify them. Using the CCM_READONLY web type on the show dialog may cause problems during sync.
When using custom lifecycles, you must add the following lines to your package template CFG file:
Please visit our Telelogic support overview site at: You will find a one-sheet reference guide about how to best contact support in your geography.
This information was developed for products and services offered in the
U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this
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imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any
functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any
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