© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2006. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
To view the latest version of this file, see the readme at www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/bdcz/601/html/interim_fix001/readme.html.
This interim fix contains fixes to the version 6.0.1 release.
- (PK19243) Unencrypted passwords are generated in the rununit.properties file.
- (PK19402) Validation of program names containing "$" causes errors.
- (PK20072) Cursor position is set incorrectly when there is an array.
- (PK20896) EGL builds take a long time.
- (PK21322) Accessing sub-items of fixed records in global arrays in pageHandlers results in an exception in the EGL debugger.
- (JR23498) When printing to a file, the new output overwrites previous output instead of being appended.
- (PK21765) The "Home" key causes the cursor to return to the initial cursor field instead of the first data entry field on the map.
- (PK22169) BACKTAB, PGUP and PGDN keys do not work when running console user interface (CUI) and text user interface (TUI) programs.
- (PK22693) Removing a dateFormat property from a field in a TUI form causes problems with the form.
- (PK22782) Generating or debugging an EGL program is slow to start.
- (PK22869) The default.dateFormat property is not used by the EGL debugger and is not generated to the rununit.properties file.
- (PK23274) When retrieving COBOL records using the SQL retrieve function, the database type DATE should be mapped to EGL type CHAR(10).
- (PK23396) When using the form editor, adding a record with an INT or DATE data type gives an error that the width is invalid.
- (PK24105) When editing a table entry field with a decimal type, the precision value is missing in the dialog box.
- (PK24332) Errors show in the Generation Results view when the build descriptor option is set to validateSQLStatement=YES.
- (PK24417) Updated runtime JAR files (fda*.jar) are not copied to the EAR project when generating Java™ into EJB or Application client projects.
- (PK20082) During VisualAge® Generator migration to EGL, EZEMODF is converted into mathLib.modf which has different behavior.
- (PK16937) When using the form editor, values from the field width column of the dialog box are used for the type definition instead of the fieldLen property.
- (PK17123) Validation error IWN.VAL.6653.E occurs when assigning double-byte characters to an item of type char.
- (PK17348) When using the EGL form editor, the menu option Edit > Undo Create doesn't remove the field on the form.
- (PK18278) Following migration from VisualAge Generator V4.5, validation errors occur.
- (PK18922) When building EGL projects migrated from VisualAge Generator, an OutOfBound Exception occurs when the VAGen Compatibility option is cleared.
- (PK20001) Data parts created by the EGL Data Parts wizard maps the CHAR FOR BIT DATA type to NULL instead of EGL type HEX.
- (PK20144) In TUI applications, the ERASE TO END OF FIELD action does not set the field's modified flag.
- (PK22052) The code generated for a function call may not compile when itemsNullable is set to YES in the build descriptor.
- (PK23299) SQL Retrieve does not prompt for a user ID and password if the password or user ID is not set in the preference page.
- (PK23168) When starting the debugger, validation of the build descriptor fails due to the EGL build path not being set up correctly.
- (PK23855) When generating programs for zosbatch, the default value for the resourceAssociation attribute is incorrect.
- (PK24051) If a char(1) contains a byte that is not a character in the local codepage, and it is compared with " ", the comparison will incorrectly evaluate to true.
- (PK24284) The COBOL source generated from an EGL prepare statement computes an incorrect length, causing the statement to be truncated.
- (PK24348) EGL dataTables with variable substructure are not generated correctly.
- (PK23303) When using the EGL form editor, the options displayed for changing the field alignment are incorrect.
For information about installing IBM Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries Interim Fix 001 for version 6.0.1, installation prerequisites, installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/bdcz/60/install_instruction/601_interim_fix001/install.html.
For hardware requirements for this interim fix, refer to the installation instructions.
For software requirements for this interim fix, refer to the installation instructions.
If you use local updates and have more than one product installed, you must download the 6.0.1 interim fixes for all installed products to your local update site. This is because there are dependencies among them. If you have multiple products installed and download only one interim fix and run the Rational Product Updater, the Updater will give you a warning when you search for updates that one of the required updates is missing. Again, this situation only applies to customers who use local update sites.
To simultaneously install the interim fixes, download them to your local update site. Then install all interim fixes at the same time from the update site by using the Rational Product Updater.
For example, suppose you have both Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries and Rational Software Modeler installed on your system. Because the interim fixes for these products depend on each other, they must be installed at the same time. Download both interim fixes to your local update site and run the Rational Product Updater to update your installation.
If you are adding or editing an EJB that is part of an EJB inheritance and you select Cascade delete on the Relationship Roles page, then there is a problem with CMP fields disappearing. This only affects CMP fields associated with relationships between two beans, at least one of which is part of EJB inheritance.
This problem has been fixed in the current interim fix. However, if you are a non-root Linux user, may may continue to experience this problem after a root user has installed the interim fix.
To correct the problem, delete the .eclipse file from your home directory (for example, /home/user name/.eclipse).
Important: Deleting the .eclipse file can cause you to lose workspace preferences and the location of any plug-ins that you manually installed.
If you run a project on a Portal Server Attach server, an error dialog is displayed after the operation with the message:
Server Error
Error received while starting the server
The server named WebSphere Portal v5.1 Server Attach @ localhost did not start correctly. Check the Console for error messages.This error message is being thrown incorrectly. It can be safely ignored and will not affect the functionality of run on server to a remote portal server.
When you contact customer support, the support representative will require the versions of the installed products or interim features on your system.
To determine the versions, complete the following steps:
- Start IBM Rational Product Updater:
- If the product is running, click Help > Software Updates > IBM Rational Product Updater.
- On Windows® operating systems, click Start > Programs > IBM Rational > Rational Product Updater.
- On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (GNOME desktop environment), open the main menu and click Programming > Rational Product Updater.
- On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (K Desktop Environment), open the main menu and click IBM Rational > Rational Product Updater.
- Click the Installed Products tab.
For product news, updates, and fixes, consult the following sites for information regarding EGL COBOL Generation:
- The product home page for Rational Application Developer is www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/developer/application/. For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the support page at www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/developer/application/support/.
- The product home page for Rational Software Architect is www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/architect/swarchitect/. For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the support page at www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/architect/swarchitect/support/.
- More information on EGL COBOL Generation is available here: www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/eglcobol/index.html
- Visit the EGL zone on developerWorks at www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/products/egl/
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2006. All Rights Reserved.
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Portions based on Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides, Copyright © 1995 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved.U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
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