IBM Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries Interim Fix 001 - Installation instructions

For Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries, Version 6.0.1

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2006. All Rights Reserved.


1.0 Overview
2.0 Installation prerequisites
3.0 Installing the interim fix
4.0 Downloading the interim fix for local installations
5.0 Installing product updates from a command line
6.0 Creating a local mirror of the update server
7.0 Uninstalling the interim fix
8.0 Customer support

1.0 Overview

This document describes how to install Interim Fix 001 for IBM® Rational® COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries, Version 6.0.1 by using IBM Rational Product Updater. This interim fix is provided as an update. You should use Rational Product Updater to install this interim fix directly from the IBM update server; however, you can also download a ZIP file that contains this interim fix and then use Rational Product Updater to perform local installations. The following sections describe how to install this interim fix.

2.0 Installation prerequisites

To install the interim fix directly from the IBM update server, you will require 100 MB of disk space. If you download, extract, and install the interim fix, you will require 200 MB of disk space.

Before you can install this interim fix, you must install:

To verify the current version numbers of the product and installed interim features:

  1. Start Rational Product Updater:

    Note: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0, if you use a desktop environment other than the default, the product shortcuts might not appear in the default location.

  2. Click the Installed Products tab.

If you disabled any product features by modifying the feature.xml files or through the Update Manager by clicking Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration, you must enable them before you install this interim fix.

3.0 Installing the interim fix

Install the interim fix with the same user account that installed the product.


To install the interim fix directly from the IBM update server, complete the following steps:

  1. Start Rational Product Updater:

  2. Note: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0, if you use a desktop environment other than the default, the product shortcuts might not appear in the default location.

  3. Click Find Updates.

  4. If Rational Product Updater requires an update, you are prompted to install it before you can continue. Click OK. Rational Product Updater installs the update, restarts, and retrieves a list of available updates.

  5. By default, all available updates are selected. Ensure that you select Interim Fix 001 for Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries 6.0.1.
  6. Click Install Updates.
  7. In the License Agreement window, read the license agreement and, if you accept the terms and conditions, click I accept the terms in the license agreement; then click OK.

  8. After the installation is complete, Rational Product Updater lists the installed updates on the Installed Products page.

  9. Close Rational Product Updater.

4.0 Downloading the interim fix for local installations

You should install the interim fix directly from the IBM update server as described above; however, it is also available for download. You might want to download and install the interim fix in the following situations:

To download and install the interim fix, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the interim fix from
  2. Extract the interim fix to a temporary directory, such as C:\temp.
  3. For installation instructions, navigate to C:\temp\bdcz\ and open install_local_601_interim_fix001.html.

5.0 Installing product updates from a command line

You can install product updates, such as interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs, from a command line so that you do not have to monitor or input information during the installation.

For more information about installing product updates from a command line, see Running Rational Product Updater from a command line in the product updater help.

6.0 Creating a local mirror of the update server

You might want to create a local mirror of the update server in the following situations:

For instructions on how to create a local mirror of the Rational Application Developer update server, visit

For instructions on how to create a local mirror of the Rational Software Architect update server, visit

If you create a local mirror of the Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect update server, then you can add Interim Fix 001 for IBM Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries, Version 6.0.1 to your local mirror. To add the interim fix to your local mirror:

  1. Create a local mirror of the Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect update server. For instructions, visit for Rational Application Developer or for Rational Software Architect. Ensure that your mirror site contains the prerequisites for Interim Fix 001 for IBM Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries, Version 6.0.1.
  2. Download the interim fix from
  3. Extract the interim fix to the same target directory you are using to stage your local mirror site.
  4. Edit the policy.xml file that you created for your local mirror site and add a URL map for the updates to Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries. The URL map must contain a path to the site.xml file (site_60110301_interim_fix001.xml) provided in the extracted zipped file.

    For example, if you created your mirror site on your local machine, your URL map would be:
    <url-map pattern="" url="file:./../bdcz/60/update/site_60110301_interim_fix001.xml"/>

    If your mirror site is on a Web server named server1, and the updates were extracted in a folder named rational_updated, then your URL map would be:
    <url-map pattern="" url="http://server1/rational_updates/bdcz/60/update/site_60110301_interim_fix001.xml"/>

    Your policy.xml file would look similar to the following example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
       <url-map pattern="" url="http://server1/rational_updates/rad/60/update/site.xml"/>
       <url-map pattern="" url="http://server1/rational_updates/rad/60/discovery/site.xml"/>
       <url-map pattern="" url="http://server1/rational_updates/bdcz/60/update/site_60110301_interim_fix001.xml"/>
       <url-map pattern="" url="http://server1/rational_updates/rpu/60/update/site.xml"/>

7.0 Uninstalling the interim fix

Uninstall the interim fix with the same user account that installed the product.


To uninstall the interim fix, complete the following steps:

  1. Start Rational Product Updater:

  2. Note: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0, if you use a desktop environment other than the default, the product shortcuts might not appear in the default location.

  3. Click the Rollbacks tab. An inventory of installed product updates and features is displayed on the Rollbacks page.
  4. Select Interim Fix 001 for Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries 6.0.1.

  5. Dependencies between updates are enforced automatically. If you select to roll back an update on which other installed updates depend, the dependent updates are also selected to roll back.

  6. Click Roll Back Updates.
  7. Close Rational Product Updater.

8.0 Customer support

When you contact customer support, the support representative will require the versions of the installed products or interim features on your system.

To determine the versions, complete the following steps:

  1. Start IBM Rational Product Updater:
  2. Click the Installed Products tab.

For product news, updates, and fixes, consult the following sites for information regarding EGL COBOL Generation: