z/OS application development tools - Release Notes
1.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
1.1 Using the development environment
1.1.1 Enterprise Generation Language restrictions when generating for COBOL
2.0 Closed COBOL Generation APARS
1.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
1.1 Using the development environment
1.1.1 Enterprise Generation Language restrictions when generating
If you are writing source code using the Enterprise Generation Language
and intend to generate output in COBOL, the following restrictions are in
2.0 Closed COBOL Generation APARS
- PK11048 - WebSphere Developer for zSeries V6.0 - NullPointerException received when viewing output from Job Monitor
- PK11719 - WebSphere Developer for zSeries V6.0.0.1 - J2C tools portion of RAD 6.0.1 will cause XSE in WDZ to stop functioning
- PK11950 - Incorrect host code page substituted when generated by WD4Z
- PK07368 - WebSphere Developer for zSeries - Link in the online tutorials for "Running a Simple COBOL Application" is broken
- PK12051 - Incorrect values shown for redefined variables in WD4Z debugger
- PK06905 - WebSphere Developer for zSeries V6.0.0 - Incorrect references to XML in WDZ product documentation
- PK12400 - WD4Z initialize statement doesn't work correctly
- PK12411 - Connect to a remote z/OS system fails for JES with RSEG1056U when the password contains a special character.
- PK13135 - Need better diagnostics on the WebSphere Developer for zSeries client for remote system connection issues.
- PK11693 - SQLCODE -805 when SQL DECLARE TABLE defined in COBOL
- PQ98209 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.2 - z/OS file name search
function won't work if a * isn't placed at the end of all search items
- PK06397 - XML - batch processor failing on the first invocation
with a new workspace
- PK08769 - Enterprise Developer 5.1.2 icons from a local syntax check of a
remote PL/I disappear
- PK06903 - XML Enablement V5.1.2 - COBOL 88 data types are not be converted
correctly into the XSD annotations for the sample input field
- PK01987 - EGL V5.1.2 - Generation causes a Java exception
- PK05213 - SYSLIB in PROC (eg: elaxflnk) gets overwritten when link libraries
are specified in the link options
- PK06897 - Migrated VAGEN print maps into EGL encounters a compile error
- PK02332 - Date formatting in COBOL generation is incorrect when
value moved to field has YYYY first.
- PK02237 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.2 - No errors are generated on local
syntax check of PLI/CICS app. if there is an extra space.
- PK00172 - Installing and configuring the TSO command server is not optional,
but required for Enterprise Developer.
- PQ99313 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.2 - Copybooks cannot be edited if
they do not belong to the same local project which contains the source.
- PK03037 - V5.1.2 - Job monitor refreshes every 30 seconds.
- PQ93546 - Applying interim fix v5.1.1.01 onto a Japanese version of WSED
causes a menu bar item to be displayed in English.
- PK01986 - EGL V5.1.2 - When an EGL map name has an invalid COBOL character,
the invalid character remains in the generated COBOL.
- PK01985 - COBOL compile errors LNC1237, LNC1248, LNC1238 from "PIC -9(5)
USAGE DISPLAY" clause generated for host variable in join clause.
- PK01984 - EGL COBOL generation of move statement between print forms with
array fields fails compilation with msgid: LNC2750 Severity: 30
- PK01983 - COBOL compile error LNC1326 referring to array field in printform:
of not defined name.
- PK01982 - COBOL generation fails with CLASSCASTEXCEPTION..statements/dataref
incompatible with statements/stringliteral
- PK00944 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.2 - CICS/COBOL applications compiled
locally on CICS TS V5.0.1 will ABEND on XCTL.
- PK00058 - XML: Generated programs are in error due to the French translation
with the insertion of ' in the value declarations.
- PK99325 - EGL COBOL generation V5.1.2 - APAR to document internal defects
fixed in interim fix
- PQ98573 - XML Enablement V5.1.2 - "Inspect replace" statement created
caused a CPU performance "spike" during XML conversion.
- PQ98009 - Debugging into a called program results in a frozen debug session.
- PQ97916 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.2 - The OK button is not enabled when
trying to edit a user variable in the JCL substitution tab.
- PQ97897 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.2 - Connect failures and loss of LAN
authority when using WIN domain controllers and roaming profiles.
- PQ97347 - Enterprise Developer - LPEX JCL parser error received editing
a JCL member.
- PQ97150 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.2 - RC=1815 is received when trying
to log on.
- PQ97144 - Unexpected results when using shortcut key CTRL+N to do a "find
next" during a remote debug session.
- PQ97058 - Shortcut F7 and F8 fail to execute when focus is on the debug
source view.
- PQ94900 - When remotely debugging an application, the monitored variable
value does not get displayed.
- PQ94376 - LPEX editor displays "CBL006 Item is not valid" on a valid item.
- PQ94367 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.1.01 - After applying interim fix, the SCLM perspective/view is gone.
- PQ94260 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.1 - License not found for the SCLM
plugin com.ibm.etools.team.sclm.ui when trying to open SCLM view.
- PQ94225 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.1 - IGYSI5257-U MESSAGE CATALOG NOT
FOUND is received on a local COBOL compile.
- PQ93989 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.1.01 - Delete of PDS will fail out
an error message if ISPF copy window is open on the host.
- PQ92562 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.1 - Error message 'IGYPS0037-S "X-T-W6C3"
was not a uniquely defined name' received doing XML conversion.
- PQ96089 - Enterprise Developer V5.1.2 - The help contents for workspaces
from V5.1.1 are not reindexed correctly with install of V5.1.2.
- PQ97902 - XML Enablement V5.1.2 - Outbound converter / mixed SBCS and
Unicode encoded message.
- PQ97905 - XML Enablement V5.1.2 - 0C4 caused by UTF-8 conversion of error
message in driver.
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2006. All Rights Reserved.