Rational XDE Tester Service Release 2003.06.12 Release Notes

Part Number: GI10-3260-01

February/March, 2004

Copyright © 2004 IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Any reproduction or distribution of this work is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of IBM Corporation.

Legal Notices Information


Product changes described in this document and contained within this service release apply if you are upgrading from Rational XDE Tester v2003.06.00.

These Service Release Notes include:

·          Upgrade information and instructions

·          Defects fixed in the current service release (v2003.06.12)

Go to XDETester_readme.html for a full description of the release, including enhancements, all supported platforms, and known issues.

What's New in This Service Release

Eclipse Shell and WebSphere Studio Support

This release of XDE Tester supports the option of using Eclipse/ WebSphere WorkBench version 2.1.2. In addition, you can now run XDE Tester in WebSphere Application Developer version 5.1.1, as well as in version 5.0.1.

When this upgrade is installed over a pre-existing version of XDE Tester, the installed version of Eclipse 2.0.2 is still used. In this case, if you want to use Eclipse version 2.1.2  you must install it separately and manually link it into XDE Tester following the steps listed below. Alternatively, you can uninstall the pre-existing version of XDE Tester and re-install.  At that time, you will be given the option of selecting which version of the shell you want to use and it will be inked in automatically.

To manually link Eclipse version 2.1.2 into XDE Tester (without uninstalling), follow these steps:

1)                   Open the Windows registry.  From the Start menu, select ‘Run...’ and type ‘regedit’.

2)                   Go to ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere Studio’.

3)                   Examine the Eclipse version that your shell is based on (that is, Eclipse 2.0).  Ignore any minor version numbers (Eclipse 2.1.2 would be ‘2.1’).  Open the registry key corresponding to this number.

4)                   Look inside the ‘extension’ registry key and ensure that each of the product’s required extensions are present. Open the ‘product’ registry key.

5)                   Examine each of the registered shells until you have found the one that you would like to install into.

6)                   Copy each of the required extensions from step 4) into the shell’s ‘extensions’ subkey.  You only need to copy the key itself, not the values stored inside the key.

7)                   In Windows Explorer, go to the new shell’s install location.  You can find this location in the shell’s registry key (the key found in step 6), look for the ‘installdir’ value.

8)                   Go to the ‘eclipse\links’ folder.  If the ‘links’ folder does not exist, create it.  If the ‘eclipse’ folder does not exist, this is not a valid Eclipse instance.

9)                   For each of the extensions copied in step 7), create a file with the same name as the extension, ending in ‘.link’, for example,  ‘com.rational.xde.link’

10)                Open each of the .link files and and type ‘path=’ followed by the ‘installdir’ of the extension (visible in the registry key found in step 4).  This install location should point to the folder that contains the ‘eclipse’ folder.  In the .link file, all backslashes, ‘\’, must be replaced with forward slashes, ‘/’.

If you are currently running XDE Tester within WebSphere Application Developer version 5.0.1 and you want to run it in WebSphere Application Developer version 5.1 instead, follow these steps:

1)       Install WebSphere Application Developer version 5.1.1.

2)       Uninstall XDE Tester version 2003.06.00.

3)       Reinstall XDE Tester version 2003.06.00 and select WebSphere Application Developer 5.1.1 as the shell instance. The registry and link files are set up as required.

4)       Install this patch release (XDE Tester version 2003.06.12).

5)       You will remain linked into WebSphere Application Developer version 5.1.1.

Hardware/Software Information

The minimum system requirements for installing XDE Tester were not listed in the XDE Tester Installation Guide, therefore they are listed here:

·          Memory: 256 MB RAM, 512 recommended

·          Hard disk space: 800 MB, 1 GB recommended

·          Processor: Pentium II 300 MHz or higher

·          Host platform: Microsoft® Windows NT, 2000, XP

·          Target (playback) platform:  Microsoft Windows NT, 2000, XP, Red Hat Linux

Installation Information

Before installing any Rational version 2003 product on a computer running Windows 2000, please read Rational Solution 182435434 at http://www.ibm.com/support/search.wss?q=182435434&rs=727 for the latest information. Alternatively, you can search the Rational Software Support Knowledge Base at http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/ for the text "182435434".

Licensing Management

This Service Release will allow you to manage any v2003.06 IBM Rational XDE product using floating license keys. To do this, install the Service Release on the machines where you have XDE Tester installed and then run the command "<rational_directory>\common\SetXDEFloating.exe".  Running this executable enables XDE Tester to use a floating license key when you run the product. XDE Tester will not use license keys if you do not run the executable after installing the Service Release.

If you previously installed the XDE Floating License Enablement Kit, your XDE products will continue to use license keys after installing this Service Release and you do not need to run SetXDEFloating.exe.

After you have configured XDE to use license keys, run the Rational License Key Administrator and point the client machine at your Rational License Server if you have not done so already. If you do not have the license server software, you can install the it from the Rational Solutions for Windows CD or download it from https://www6.software.ibm.com/reg/rational/rational-i. Read the IBM Rational License Management guide on your documentation CD to install and start the Rational License Server.

Passport Advantage customers can get XDE license keys by referring the Proof of Entitlement certificate that IBM sent you with your XDE product purchase. If you are not a Passport Advantage customer, you can get your XDE license keys from your local IBM Rational Sales Representative or from Customer Service.

Because the new licensing model is designed to be primarily an informative tracking mechanism, licensing is not strictly enforced.  You will not be prohibited from accessing basic XDE Tester functionality (for example, recording or object map editing) if you are unable to obtain a license for any reason.

If you are using XDE Tester without assuring a license, a warning dialog box appears reminding you about licensing. Optionally, you can check a box in this dialog requesting that you are consistently reminded about licensing each time you perform an XDE Tester operation that requires a license. If you do not check this box, XDE Tester still attempts to acquire a license for the functionality that requires it. If after 5 days you are still having issues getting a license, the warning dialog is redisplayed.

Configuration Issue

In the 2003.06.12 release, XDE Tester users that do not have administrative privileges are required to change the permissions for the XDE Tester configuration file.  This can be accomplished in two ways:

1.  Have an administrative user set the permissions on the following file to be accessible to all users (add "Full Control" for all users).

                <rational install directory>\XDETester\configuration\configuration.rftcfg

2.  Copy the configation to a location writable by all users of XDE Tester on this system and change the following registry setting to point to this location:

                HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rational Software\Rational Test\8\Rational FT Configuration Directory

     Note that the setting is for the directory that contains the configuration.rftcfg file and not to the file itself.

Failure to do so will result in serious errors when updating the application configuration or when enabling environments.  On first start, XDE Tester will attempt to automatically enable default browsers and jvms, and will post an error about a seemingly unrelated  InvocationTargetException if this change is required.


Defects Fixed in This Release




XDE Tester


Clicking OK in modal windows in HTML applications caused XDE Tester to hang.

 XDE Tester


Playing back HTML scripts with recorded hover caused Internet Explorer to crash.

 XDE Tester


Internal frames were not created correctly when using JDK1.4.1_01 as the default JRE.

XDE Tester


The <object> tag for auxiliary objects as inline frames in HTML applications was not supported.

XDE Tester


Heavyweight nested frames in HTML applications were offset the wrong amount.

XDE Tester


Hang on playback in TestManager.

XDE Tester


Hang and crash when selecting a radio button in an HTML popup dialog box.

XDE Tester


Internet Explorer crash when inserting a Verification Point.

XDE Tester


A second class manually added to a test script caused failure on playback.

XDE Tester


callScript support failed if calling and called script had the same name.

XDE Tester


TestManager datapool could not be loaded into an object.

XDE Tester


Text Verification Point only picked up a portion of the selected HTML page.

XDE Tester


Browser playback was slow on Linux systems.

XDE Tester


Regular expression could not be edited in the Find/Filters dialog box.

XDE Tester


Object recognition problem in HTML applications.

XDE Tester


Button-like image not clicked on during playback.

XDE Tester


XDE Tester always selected the same item from a list box on playback.

XDE Tester


Stale COM object reference caused Internet Explorer to abort.

XDE Tester


JTabbedPane ObjectAtPoint() canvas opaqueness not taken into account.

XDE Tester


Unable to set the data verification point.

XDE Tester


Object recognition problem in swt.TableTree.

XDE Tester


Unable to access text from a table item.

Contacting IBM Rational Software Support

The IBM software support Internet site provides you with self-help resources and electronic problem submission. The IBM Software Support homepage can be found at www.ibm.com/software/support.

Voice Support is available to all current contract holders via a telephone number in your country (where available). For specific country phone numbers, please refer to the IBM Software Support Handbook, Appendix B: Contact Information, found at www.ibm.com/software/support.