ZipPrint Tutorial

Running the note viewer application

Follow these steps to run the note viewer:

  1. At the VM command line, start OfficeVision by typing profs. (Your installation may have a different way of starting OfficeVision).
  2. At the OfficeVision/VM Main Menu, press PF4 to Process notes and messages.
  3. At the PROCESS NOTES AND MESSAGES menu, press PF3 to View the Note log.
  4. Press a function key to view a note.

If the note log is empty, you can add a note to the note log by sending a note. Follow these steps to send a note:

  1. At the OfficeVision/VM Main Menu, press PF4 to Process notes and messages.
  2. At the PROCESS NOTES AND MESSAGES menu, press PF1 to Send a Note.
  3. After Send to: type a valid address such as host(user). The address does not have to be an actually existing address. For example, the address host(user) works.
  4. Type text into the text area of the note. (You can use Host On-Demand's paste feature to paste existing text from another source.)
  5. Press PF7 to send the note.
The note is added to the note log.

Click here to view a sample note.