Web Express Logon Tutorial

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Step Step 4 of 9: Configure the Credential Mapper Servlet: Part I

Recall that Host On-Demand provides an out-of-the-box CMS for three network security applications:

In this scenario, the administrator is using Tivoli Access Manager. If you have a different network security application, you will need to customize your own version of the CMS. For more information about how to do this, refer to Customizing Web Express Logon.

Take the following steps to begin configuring the CMS:

  1. Locate the WAR file on the Host On-Demand V8 CD.
  2. Copy the WAR file to your machine and view the contents.
  3. Become familiar with the three default INIT parameters in the web.xml file.

1. Locate the WAR file on the Host On-Demand V8 CD.

The three CMS WAR files that correspond to the three supported network security applications are located in the cdimage\apps\wel subdirectory on the Host On-Demand V8 CD:

Since the administrator in this scenario is using Tivoli Access Manager, he chooses the amcms.war file.

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2. Copy the WAR file to your machine and view the contents.

Right-click the WAR file, and select Copy. Then paste it to a location on your local machine. Unzip the amcms.war file and views its contents. In addition to several CLASS files, the WAR file contains the following four files:

The web.xml file is the servlet configuration file that you will edit in future steps. The other two XML files (DCAS.xml and Vault.xml) are sample files that Host On-Demand provides to help you better understand DCAS and Vault parameters and their values. These two XML files can also serve as a valuable reference when you edit the web.xml file. Finally, the was.policy file is for IBM WebSphere Application Server only. It contains the required permissions for the CMS when Java 2 security is enabled. For more information, refer to Troubleshooting Web Express Logon.

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3. Become familiar with the three default INIT parameters in the web.xml file.

In addition to the parameters needed for Host On-Demand to identify the CMS, the web.xml file for Tivoli Access Manager contains three default INIT parameters specifically coded to adapt the CMS to your environment.

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Click Next to continue configuring the CMS.
