Tutorial on configuring the SSH client

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Requirements for the workstation from which the SSH client is launched

For SSH support Host On-Demand requires the following configuration on the client workstation:

For non-Windows client platforms, contact your system administrator to obtain a Java 2 plug-in and the corresponding version of the JCE.

For Windows client platforms, the JCE is included as part of the IBM 32-bit Runtime Environment (JRE) for Java 2, v1.4 (for Windows platforms only). This version of the Java 2 JRE is included with Host On-Demand Version 8.0 and can be downloaded by Windows platform clients from any Host On-Demand Version 8.0 server (no matter what platform the Host On-Demand server is running on). To download this JRE, an end user should follow these steps:

The JCE is also included in Sun Java 2 JRE Version 1.4.

If you use Java 2 Version 1.3, then you must first install Java 2 JRE Version 1.3 and then separately install the JCE for Java 2 Version 1.3.

You must use Java 2 JRE Version 1.3 or later.

Earlier versions of the JRE will not work.

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