Tutorial on configuring the SSH client

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Requirements for the workstation from which the SSH client is launched

For SSH support Host On-Demand requires the following configuration on the client workstation:

For non-Windows client platforms, contact your system administrator to obtain a Java 2 plug-in and the corresponding version of the JCE.

For Windows client plaforms, the JCE is included as part of the IBM 32-bit Runtime Environment (JRE) for Java 2, v1.4 (for Windows platforms only). This version of the Java 2 JRE is included with Host On-Demand Version 8.0 and can be downloaded by Windows platform clients from any Host On-Demand Version 8.0 server (no matter what platform the Host On-Demand server is running on). To download the JRE, an end user should follow these steps:

The JCE is also included in Sun Java 1.4.

If you use Java 1.3 then you must first install Java 1.3 and then separately install the JCE for Java 1.3.

You cannot use Java 1.2 or Java 1.1.x.

Java 1 does not support the JCE.

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