Tutorial on configuring the SSH client

A Linux tool for generating a public-private key pair

Host On-Demand provides the utility program keytool for generating public-private key pairs. This tool is part of the Java 1.4 JRE and is also distributed with Host On-Demand. You should use keytool to generate keys for configuring a VT Display session for client authentication using a public key.

However, because keytool is a multipurpose utility for managing keys and certificates, you may find it easier to understand generating a public-private key pair by looking first at a less complex tool from the Linux platform called ssh-keygen. (This description is for illustration purposes only. You cannot use ssh-keygen to generate public-private key pairs for Host On-Demand.)

Here is an example of invoking ssh-keygen from a Linux console:

ssh-keygen -t dsa -f johnkey02.id_dsa -N johnpass

The parameters have the following significance:

The invocation above causes the following files to be created in the local directory. This is how the files could appear if you issued an ls -l command from the Linux console:

-rw-------  1  mytmp  mytmp   736 Sep 21 17:50 johnkey02.id_dsa
-rw-r--r--  1  mytmp  mytmp   625 Sep 21 17:50 johnkey02.id_dsa.pub

The file johnkey02.id_dsa contains the private key.

The file johnkey02.id_dsa.pub contains the public key. Notice that the name of this file is created by appending .pub to the name of the file containing the private key.