Tutorial on configuring the SSH client

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Topic Topic 6 - (4) Copying the keystore containing the public-private key pair to the workstation for the SSH client

The next step is to make the public-private key pair accessible to the SSH client. As with the previous step, there are two substeps.

Transferring the keystore file to the workstation

You must transfer the keystore file containing the public-private key pair to the workstation from which the SSH client is launched. You should choose a secure method for transferring the keystore file. For example, you can attach the file to a secure electronic message (such as a Lotus Notes note).

Placing the keystore file in the correct subdirectory

You must set up the keystore file with the same path and file name that you intend to specify in the KeyStore File Path field of the SSH configuration window in the VT Display session configuration.

You can set up the keystore file using any path and file name on the client workstation, so long as the path and file name match the value of the KeyStore File Path field of the SSH configuration window.

If you leave the KeyStore File Path field blank in the SSH configuration window, then Host On-Demand looks for the keystore file in the default location. The default value for the path is the value specified in the Java system property user.home, and the default value for the file name is .keystore. For example, on a Windows client platform the default path and file name could be: c:\Documents and Settings\<userid>\.keystore. Click here for information on determining the value of user.home on a client system.

Using the example keystore file johnkeystore, and using the default value for the keystore path and file name, and assuming that the client platform is Windows and that the Windows user id is johnsmith, you would follow these steps to set up the keystore file with the default path and file name:

The complete path and file name of the keystore file in this example is:
c:\Documents and Settings\johnsmith\.keystore.

Remember that you do not have to use the default path and file name for the keystore. Nevertheless, using the default path and file name makes it much easier for users on different workstations (possibly running different client platforms) to share the same VT Display configuration file.

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