Customizing HTML Templates Tutorial

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Step Step 7: Understand where changes can be made in a custom HTML template file

Note: Do not change any parts of a custom HTML template file other than the sections that are identified in this step as valid to change. Changing other parts of this file may make it unusable by Deployment Wizard.

Also, do not change any of the HTML comments that occur in the default custom HTML template file, including the following:

The contents of a default custom HTML template file are shown below.

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
<META http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- SUMMARY -->

<IMG src="<DW_CODE_BASE>hodlogo.gif" ALT="hodlogo.gif">


<!-- SCRIPTS -->
<!-- APPLET -->


The three sections of this file in which changes are valid are:

  1. The section between the <BODY> tag and the <!-- STARTAPPLETPARMS --> comment.
    • HTML elements added in this section will occur before the sessions window on the Host On-Demand desktop page.
    • JavaScript can be added to this section.
    • The <BODY> element itself can be modified. But you cannot delete the <BODY> element.

  2. The section between the <!-- STARTAPPLETPARMS --> comment and the <!--ENDAPPLETPARMS --> comment.
    • This section should be used only to specify session parameters.
    • Do not specify session parameters anywhere else in the custom HTML template file. We will add a session parameter to this section later in the tutorial.

  3. The section between the <!-- APPLET --> comment and the </BODY> tag.
    • HTML elements added in this section will occur after the sessions window on the Host On-Demand desktop page.
    • JavaScript can be added to this section
