Session ID
Start Automatically
Start in Separate Window
Auto-Start Options (3270/5250/VT Display and CICS Gateway sessions)
Parameter (Optional)
Session ID
ID assigned to this session. Sessions are started in alphabetical order. The ID is displayed on
the session window or tab. Automatic assigns and starts sessions in the order that they are created
when Start Automatically is set to Yes.
Start Automatically
Session is started and connected (if Auto-Connect is Yes) when the client is loaded.
Start in Separate Window
If Yes is selected, the session is started in a separate browser window. If No, the session is
started in the Client window with the session name and ID displayed on a tab. Each session started
in the Client window is tabbed for easy access.
Auto-Start Options (3270/5250/VT Display and CICS Gateway sessions)
You can have an applet or a macro start at the same time as the session. Click the arrow and choose Applet or Macro, then type the name of an applet's class-file or the name of a macro in the box below. For an applet, only those applets that implement ECLAppletInterface or CustomInterface can run here.
- Auto-Start Applet
The applet is launched immediately without waiting for the session to connect to the host. If the applet is in some way dependent on the session having made a successful connection, then the applet itself must detect that the session has connected. If the session disconnects and then reconnects Host On-Demand does not launch another instance of the applet.
To detect that the session has connected you can use methods described in the Host Access Beans for Java document included with the IBM Host Access Toolkit, such as Terminal.addCommListener() or Session.getCommStatus().
For deploying a customer-supplied applet to clients see Deploying customer-supplied Java archives and classes.
- Auto-Start Macro
Host On-Demand waits until the session has successfully connected with the host, then starts playing the macro. If the session later disconnects and then reconnects, Host On-Demand again starts playing the macro from the beginning when the session has successfully reconnected with the host.
The applet's class-file name or the name of the macro that you want to auto-start.
Parameter (Optional)
Applies to applets only: the name of the parameter that is passed to the applet when the session starts. In order for an applet to receive parameters, the applet must implement the following method: public void initParam(String param). The variable name, param, may be any valid variable name.
Check Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can
not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed
from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.