
Express Logon

Use Kerberos Passticket (5250 sessions only)
Use Local Operating System ID
Credential Mapper Server Address

Select Yes to enable Web Express Logon. The default is No.

Use Kerberos Passticket (5250 sessions only)
Click Yes for Host On-Demand to retrieve a Kerberos Passticket from a Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system. This Passticket is used to connect to the host system that you identify in the session properties. This type of authentication does not make use of macros.

Use Local Operating System ID
Click Yes to allow Host On-Demand to use the user's local operating system ID for authentication.

Credential Mapper Server Address
Type the full URL of the Credential Mapper Server, for example, https://server_name/junction/cm/CredMapper, where

The servlet that resides at this URL processes the HTTPS request from the user, performs a lookup, and returns the user's credentials. The Host On-Demand client uses the obtained credentials to automate the login process.

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Web Express Logon Reference