
Send binary options (MVS/TSO and VM/CMS)

Options include:

Carriage Return and Line Feed. CRLF (x'0D0A') is removed from the end of each record. EOF (x'1A') is removed from the end of a file.

The transferred file will be appended to an existing host file that has the same name (and type and mode for VM/CMS), if one exists. If APPEND is not specified, the transferred file overwrites the existing host file.

The transfer stops if the file already exists. This option can be used to protect against accidentally erasing an existing file.

Logical Record Length. This is not valid if APPEND is specified. Otherwise, you can choose one of the following options:

The record length of a file sent from a PC to the host system might exceed the logical record length specified here. If so, the file transfer program divides the file by the logical record length.

To send a file containing long records to the host system, specify a length that is long enough to allow complete records to be sent.

Record Format. This option is not valid when APPEND is specified. Otherwise, you can choose one of the following options:

This option applies only to TSO and only when you are creating a new data set. The (n) value represents the block size in bytes.

This option applies to TSO only. This value is the amount of space to be allocated for a new TSO data set.

Units of space to be allocated initially. You must specify this value when the SPACE parameter is used.

Units of space to be added each time new space is required.

The following parameters are only valid when the SPACE parameter is specified, and are mutually exclusive of each other.

Average block length used as the unit size by the SPACE parameter. The (n) value is the block length in bytes.

Specifies the unit of space is a track.

Specifies the unit of space is a cylinder.