
Mapping custom key functions from the Host On-Demand Administration Client

In order to define custom key functions for keyboard mapping from the Host On-Demand Administration Client, you must modify three files that reside on the Host On-Demand server, in the default directory C:\Program Files\IBM\HostOnDemand\HOD. The files are:

For example, if you wanted to map the following custom functions to the keyboard:

               S-F1=^[[23~     (Shift+F1)
               S-F2=^[[24~     (Shift+F2)

You need to add the following JavaScript to both HODPanels.js and HODPanels_en.js:

function getApplet(stub,height,width,Locale)
//  alert("Cached: " + Cached);
  var fs=""

  if(Cached != 'true')
         fs+='<Applet archive="hoda.jar,webexec.jar"  NAME="appletLoader" CODE="" WIDTH='+width +' HEIGHT='+height+' >'
         fs+='<PARAM NAME="cabinets" VALUE=",">'
         fs+='<Applet NAME="appletLoader" CODE="" WIDTH='+width +' HEIGHT='+height+' >'
  fs+='<param name="mapFile" value="ibmhod.props">'
  fs+='<param name=mapfileIsStub value=true>'
  fs+='<param name="team" value="1">'
  if(Locale != "none"){
//     alert(Locale);
   fs+='<PARAM NAME="Locale" VALUE="' +Locale+ '">'
  fs+='<PARAM NAME="ServerStub" VALUE="' +stub+ '">'

  //added custom function
  fs+='<PARAM NAME="CustomKeyFunction1" VALUE="F5|^[OT">'
  fs+='<PARAM NAME="CustomKeyFunction2" VALUE="S-F1|^[[[23~">'
  fs+='<PARAM NAME="CustomKeyFunction3" VALUE="S-F2|^[[[24~">'

Then, add the following to the HOD.html file. These entries must correspond to those added to the *.js files:

<PARAM NAME="CustomKeyFunction1" VALUE="F5|^[OT">
<PARAM NAME="CustomKeyFunction2" VALUE="S-F1|^[[[23~">
<PARAM NAME="CustomKeyFunction3" VALUE="S-F2|^[[[24~">

After you modify the files, log into the Administration Client (HODAdmin.html) and map these newly created custom functions to keyboard keys. You can map the custom functions to either users or groups.

  1. Open the session properties.
  2. Click Keyboard.
  3. Select "Custom Functions" from the drop-down menu under the "Key Assignment" tab.
  4. Map the custom functions as you would map any other functions.