WebSphere Host On-Demand
Redirector load capacity recommendations

You can use the following information as a guide for estimating the load capacity of the Host On-Demand 8 Redirector on AIX and Windows. Actual numbers may vary, depending on the following factors: hardware, network traffic, server load, and the frequency of session establishment.

On average, the Redirector established 13 connections per second. Each established connection then started a new transaction (data sent) 1/10 of a second after the previous transaction ended (data received). Most services and programs were stopped on the test machines, including the Web servers.


Hardware specifications

We used the following hardware and network specifications on an isolated test network:

Redirector load capacity recommendations

Connection type Recommended number of users
SSL 10,000
Non-SSL 15,000

Service manager parameters

Set the following parameters in the sample service manager shell script:

Parameter Description
ulimit -n Controls the number of open file descriptors.
-Xms Minimum memory parameter for Java. It must be greater than 256 MB.


Hardware specifications

We used the following hardware and network specifications on an isolated test network:

Redirector load capacity recommendations

Connection type Recommended number of users
SSL 3,000
Non-SSL 4,000