You can open keyboard and toolbar definitions from two different locations:
The current keyboard and toolbar definitions in your session are selected by default.
In order to open a keyboard or toolbar definition file, it must have been previously saved to a drive (shared or local) to which you have access.
Possible ways to receive definition files include the following:
The default save location for
keyboard and toolbar definition files is the HODObjs
subdirectory. The file field on both the
Toolbar File Options-Open and Keyboard File Options-Open windows is already populated with
the path to this subdirectory, which depends on your platform and level of Java.
If you saved your files to a different location than the default HODObjs
directory, you can either manually type the full path in the file field or browse to that location.
If you manually type the file name in the field and do not specify a .kmp extension for keyboard definition files
or a .bar extension for toolbar definition files, Host On-Demand will append the file extensions to whichever
file you select. For example, if you select file.txt to open a toolbar definition,
the new file is called If the file name is already when you select it, the file
name will not change.