
Default characters and functions

Alternate Cursor - Changes the shape of the cursor from underscore to block or from block to underscore.

Alternate View - Switches between basic and alternate character viewing modes in a DBCS session. For example, you can switch a viewing mode from the EISU KANA character set to the EIKOMOJI character set or vice versa. This switch affects the character view but not affect the character input.

Attention - Interrupts the application program; available only when the connection-method is SNA. If the connection method is not SNA, X-f (Minus Function) appears in the operator information area.

Backspace - Moves the cursor one position at a time to the left and deletes the character at the cursor position. All characters to the right of the cursor (in the same unprotected field) shift one position to the left.

If you press this key when the cursor is in a protected field, X <-o-> (Go Elsewhere) appears in the operator information area.

Backtab - Moves the cursor back to the first position in the unprotected field. When the cursor is not in an unprotected field or is in the first position of an unprotected field, it moves to the first position of the previous unprotected field.

If the screen is unformatted or does not contain unprotected fields, the cursor moves to the top left corner of the screen.

Backtab Word - Moves the cursor to the first character of the current word. When the cursor is already on the first position of a word, the cursor is moved to the first position of the previous word.

Beginning of Field - Moves the cursor to the first position of the field containing the cursor.

Clear Fields - Deletes text in the presentation space and replaces all unprotected fields with blanks. Protected fields are not changed. Nulls in the presentation space are left as nulls. You can make this function occur by clicking Edit > Clear Fields.

Copy Functions

  • The Copy, Copy Append, Copy as Table, and Copy All functions are available only if:
    • You are using a browser in conjunction with a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that has a version of 1.1 or higher;and
    • You have system clipboard access.
  • If no area is marked, the Copy functions duplicate the entire session window.
  • The Copy functions do not duplicate host attributes such as color and intensity.

Copy: See Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the Client window.
Copy Append: See Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the Client window.
Copy as Table: See Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the Client window.
Cursor Down - Moves the cursor down one position at a time. When the cursor reaches the bottom edge of the screen, it wraps around to the top.

Cursor Left - Moves the cursor left one position at a time. When the cursor reaches the left edge of the screen, it wraps round to the right edge and moves up one row. When it reaches the top left corner, it wraps round to the bottom right corner.

Cursor Right - Moves the cursor right one position at a time. When the cursor reaches the right edge of the screen, it wraps round to the left edge and moves down one row. When it reaches the bottom right corner, it wraps round to the top left corner.

Cursor Up - Moves the cursor up one position at a time. When the cursor reaches the top edge of the screen, it wraps around to the bottom.

Cut - Copies the marked area into the system clipboard and removes (clears) it from the display.

DBCS Input - Displays the DBCS character input window for a DBCS session. Type DBCS characters into the text field in this window. The text field allows you to invoke the country- or region-unique input method for entering DBCS characters. All other support key functions work from this window, so you don't need to close the window to perform other operations.

Delete Character - Deletes a character from an unprotected field.
The character at the cursor position is deleted and all characters to the right of the cursor (up to the last character of the same unprotected field) shift one position to the left. Null characters are inserted into the right-hand end of the field as the characters in the field are shifted left.

If you press this key when the cursor is not located in an unprotected field, X <-o-> (Go Elsewhere) appears in the operator information area.

Delete Word - Deletes the word under which the cursor is positioned and the following spaces or nulls, in an unprotected field. If the cursor is in the middle of the word (not on the first character), this function deletes the characters from the current cursor position to the end of the word, including the following spaces or nulls. All the words to the right of the deleted word (in the same field) shift to the left.

When you select this function and the cursor is not in an unprotected field, X <-o-> (Go Elsewhere) appears in the operator information area.

Document Mode (DOC Mode) - Enables functions that make it easier to edit text documents in a 3270 Display session. These functions, which are similar to the entry assist functions in the IBM Personal Communications program product, include Word Wrap, margins (Start Column and End Column), Tab Stops, and End-of-Line Signal. For more information see Entry Assist tab.

DUP Field - Places the DUP Field symbol on the screen and moves the cursor to the first position of the next unprotected field. Handling of the symbol is dependent on the application program.

The Dup character is usually displayed as overbar +*. However, due to a Java restriction, Host On-Demand displays Dup as *.

If you press this key and the cursor is not in an unprotected field, <-o-> (Go Elsewhere) appears in the operator information area.

End of Field (EOF) - Moves the cursor to the right of the last character in the same unprotected field.

Enter - When the host system is working on your application program or the session window is connected to a host system, Enter transmits data from the screen to the application program.

Enter or Reset - When the keyboard is locked, pressing this key resets the keyboard. When the keyboard is not locked, pressing this key transmits data from the screen to the application program.

Erase EOF - Erases all characters from the cursor position to the end of the field while the cursor is in an unprotected field. The erased characters are replaced with NULL. The cursor does not move. On an unformatted screen, this function erases all characters from the cursor position to the end of the screen. If you press this key when the cursor is not in an unprotected field, X <-o-> (Go Elsewhere) appears in the operator information area.

Erase Field - Erases all characters from the first position of the field to the end of the field while the cursor is in an unprotected field. The erased characters are replaced with NULL. The cursor moves to the first position in the field next to the field attribute. On an unformatted screen, this function moves the cursor to the top left corner of the screen and erases all characters from the cursor position to the end of the screen. If you select this function when the cursor is not in an unprotected field, X <-o-> (Go Elsewhere) appears in the operator information area.

Erase Input - Erases the contents of all input fields in the screen and moves the cursor to the beginning of the first unprotected field. If the screen has no unprotected field, the cursor moves to the top left corner; no data is erased. If the screen is unformatted, this function clears the screen and moves the cursor to the top left corner.

Field Exit - Signals the end of the field that has been entered. If it is a right-adjust field, right adjust is performed; the cursor is then positioned under the first input position of the next non-bypass input field.

Field Mark - Places the Field Mark symbol on the screen and the cursor moves to the next unprotected position. Handling of the symbol is dependent on the application program.

The Field Mark character is usually displayed as overbar +;. However, due to a Java restriction, Host On-Demand displays Field Mark as ;.

If you press this key when the cursor is not in an unprotected field, <-o-> (Go Elsewhere) appears in the operator information area.

Field Minus - Valid only in Signed Numeric and Numeric Only fields and functions identical to the Field Exit and Field Plus keys except for the following sign function.

In a Signed Numeric field, the F- key causes the reserved right-hand position to receive a minus sign. In a Numeric Only field, the low-order (units) digit is checked for a 0-9 numeric digit or a null character.

Field Plus - Signals the end of the field that has been entered. If it is a right-adjust field, right adjust is performed; the cursor is then positioned under the first input position of the next non-bypass input field. If this key is pressed on a signed numeric field, the sign position is set to null (displayed as a blank), indicating a positive field.

F1 through F24 - The program function keys provide a means of communicating with an application program. The program defines their usage.

Graphic cursor - Specifies whether the alphanumeric or the graphic cursor is active. When the graphic cursor mode indicator appears in the operator information area, the currently active cursor is the graphic. Absence of the indicator means the alphanumeric cursor is currently active.

Help - After an error condition, the operator uses this key to request that the host system send information about the error to the display.

Home - Moves the cursor to the first input-position of the screen. If the screen is unformatted, the cursor moves to the top left corner.

Insert - Toggles insert mode on or off. When the keyboard is in insert mode, the Insert symbol appears in the operator information area and the cursor changes to a half-block.

Insert allows you to insert a character into an existing unprotected field without writing over existing data. Null characters, displayed as blanks, must be in the rightmost positions of the field where the insert will be performed.

When a new character is inserted at the cursor position, characters to the right of the cursor will shift one position to the right. If you attempt to insert characters even if there are no Nulls, X <-o-> (Go Elsewhere) appears in the operator information area. If the screen is unformatted or does not contain unprotected fields, Insert performs as if the whole screen were one field.

Jump Next Session - Changes the current session window to the next one that is not minimized.

Java Virtual Machines that do not support the WINDOW_ICONIFY and WINDOW_DEICONIFY events may not jump correctly if the session you are jumping to is, minimized.

New Line - Moves the cursor to the first input position in the next line.

If there are no input positions, the cursor moves to the top left corner of the screen. If the screen is unformatted, the cursor moves to the first character-position of the next line. If the cursor is in the last position of the screen, it wraps round to the first position.

Next Word - Moves the cursor to the first position of the next word that is in an unprotected field.

This function also performs an End of Field function: If the cursor is within the last word in a field, it is moved to the first position after that word if it is unprotected and before the end of the field.

When the cursor is not in the unprotected field, the cursor is moved to the first character of the first word in the next unprotected field.

If there isn't any words in any unprotected fields, the cursor is not moved.

PA1 through PA3 - The program attention keys provide a means of communicating with an application program. The program defines their functions.

Page Down - Displays the next page.

Page Up - Displays the previous page.

Paste - Overlays the current contents of the system clipboard onto the session window, starting at the current cursor position.

Previous Word - Moves the cursor to the first position of the previous word that is in an unprotected field. When the cursor is on a word in the unprotected field except the first position of the word, the cursor is moved to the first position on the word. When the cursor is not in the unprotected field, the cursor is moved to the first position on the last word of the previous unprotected field.

If there isn't any words in any unprotected fields, the cursor is not moved.

Reset - Reset has two functions:

  1. Causes the session to leave insert mode and removes the insert symbol from the operator information area.
  2. Unlocks the keyboard and removes the do-not-enter symbol X currently displayed in the OIA except in the Terminal Wait condition.

Rule - Rule line. Turns the rule line on or off (toggle).

SO/SI Display - Toggles the display of Shift Out characters (SO) and Shift In characters (SI) in a DBCS session.

System Request -
For 3270: Erases the screen and moves the cursor to the top left corner of the screen.
For 5250: Displays the system request menu. (Press Enter to display the menu.)

Tab Field - Moves the cursor from the current position to the first position of the next unprotected field. If there are no unprotected fields after the current cursor position, the cursor moves to the first character position of the first unprotected field on the screen. When the cursor is on the attribute character of the unprotected field, the cursor is moved to the first position in the field.

If the screen is unformatted or does not contain unprotected fields, Tab Field moves the cursor to the top left corner of the screen.

Tab Word - Moves the cursor to the first position of the next word.

Test Request - Sends a test request to the host system.

Word Wrap - Enables word wrap in a 3270 Display session. With word wrap, when you type in a word that runs beyond the right margin the word is moved to the beginning of the next line along with the input cursor. For more information see Entry Assist tab.

Related topics

  • Default keyboard mapping
  • Remapping the Keyboard
  • Bidirectional key definitions