
HTML parameters

The most useful HTML parameters are described below. Use the Additional Parameters tab on the Advanced Options window of the Deployment Wizard to add these parameters to your deployment file.

Name: 3270InputAreaIndication

Description: Indicates that the unprotected fields in a 3270 session be indicated in a particular method.

Name: AdditionalArchives
Values: Names of Java 1 or Java 2 archives, without file extensions (.cab or .jar), separated by commas. For example, if the archives are the following Java 1 archives:

myCustomForNetscape.jar myCustomForMozilla.jar then you should specify them like this: myCustomForNetscape,myCustomForInternetExplorer,myCustomForMozilla Description: Download the named Java archives file from the Host On-Demand server's publish directory to the workstation. This parameter works: You must place the Java archives in the Host On-Demand publish directory. Be aware that the archives will be downloaded every time a user connects to the HTML file.

Name: CustomKeyFunctionX
Value: function identifier|function data
Description: Customize the list of functions that a key or key combination can be mapped to using Keyboard Remap.

Keyboard Remap allows you to remap key functions by selecting the key you want to remap, then selecting the new function you want that key to perform. The list of available key functions is limited, by default, to a set of predefined key functions; however, you can customize this list with additional functions. When this file is loaded, you can go to the Keyboard Remap dialog, choose Custom Functions from the Category list, and your custom functions will appear in the list for you to map to a key.

Here is an example of parameters that add key functions to display, respectively, a character that you cannot normally display, automate a login with user ID and password, and automate a logout.

Name: CustomKeyFunction1 Value: Ctrl-A|^A
Name: CustomKeyFunction2 Value: Login|myuserid[tab]mypw[enter]
Name: CustomKeyFunction3 Value: Logout|logout[enter]

The value for the NAME field is always CustomKeyFunctionX, where X is the ordinal of the defined function. Host On-Demand iterates through the custom key function list, starting with 1 and continuing until no CustomKeyFunction value is found.

You must begin with CustomKeyFunction1 and continue in increments of 1. If the list is broken, for example, skips from CustomKeyFunction2 to CustomKeyFunction4, all values after CustomKeyFunction2 are discarded.

The VALUE consists of both the function identifier to the left side of the | and the function data to the right. The identifier displays in the Keyboard Remap function list box. The data is what the emulator processes when the remapped key is pressed.

There are three rules to keep in mind when encoding the value field.

Name: CustomTable
Value: text file name
Description: For each session you create or edit in Deployment Wizard, this parameter allows you to specify character mapping tables that translate between PC (client) and host code, facilitating interaction between users and the host application. You can create four different types of mapping tables:

You create these tables as text files and store them in the Host On-Demand Publish Directory (or your alternate publish directory, if you have already designated a different publish directory on your Web server). To add the tables as HTML parameters for a session, you simply input parameter and file name in the appropriate fields of the Advanced Options window:

Name: CustomTable Value: samplefile.txt

Your custom table files can contain any number of tables, in any combination of type (keyboard, display, etc.). The file format is similar to that of Java properties files. For example (lines starting with # are comments; variables n and N are hexadecimal values):

##### Start of file
# Map PC nn to EBCDIC NN in keyboard table

# Map EBCDIC NN to PC nn in display table

# Map PC nn to EBCDIC NN in 3270 file transfer upload table

# Map EBCDIC NN to PC nn in 3270 file transfer download table
##### End of file

Note that the CustomTable parameter applies to the single-byte character set (SBCS) only.

Name: DebugCode
Value: 67535
Description: Turns on debug tracing for the client.

Name: Disable
Value: lum
Description: This disables license use counting and reporting for the particular HTML. By default, Host On-Demand clients will report to the configuration server when a session is launched and periodically thereafter for the duration that the session is open. The client requires direct port access to the configuration server for its reporting. If this parameter is included, the client will no longer report to the configuration server for license use counting purposes.

Name: DisableSupport
Value: true
Description: Causes the Support option of the Help menu item for the Session window to be disabled. This is useful in cases where customers do not wish to have their users contacting IBM support directly. A related parameter, SupportHTML, can be used to specify an alternate set of text to display when the user selects the Help/Support option.

Name: DoNotPrefillUser
Value: true
Description: For Configuration server-based model only. Causes the logon panel to come up with a blank user ID field. If this parameter is absent, the default is to fill in the user ID with the username requested from the system.

Name: HideHODDesktop
Value: true
Description: Hides the Host On-Demand desktop and session tabs once an embedded session starts. Do not set this parameter if you have multiple sessions running and you are not using the Session Manager JavaScript API. To prevent users from interacting with the Host On-Demand desktop, configure your session to Auto-Start.

Name: ForceJREInstall
Value: true
Description: This parameter is used in the following situation:

Normally in this situation the Host On-Demand client displays a popup message that offers the user the choice of either downloading the IBM Java 2 plug-in Version 1.4 for Windows or using the Java 1 version of the Host On-Demand cached client.

If you set this parameter to true then the Host On-Demand client will not display the popup message but instead will immediately the display the window that allows the user to download the IBM Java 2 plug-in version 1.4 for Windows.

For more information see When the Client Java level is Java 2

Name: IgnoreWellKnownTrustedCAs
Value: true
Description: Prevents Host On-Demand from loading the WellKnownTrustedCAs.class file.

Name: IPMonitor
Value: SessionName=My Session,TraceFile=c:\MyDirectory\trace.trc

Description: Allows the session to be started automatically with the IPMonitor utility. The IPMonitor utility traces and saves the data flowing between the client and the host. To start the session with IPMonitor: For more information see Configuring IPMonitor v1.0, automatic mode.

Name: JVMMinimum
Value: An integer with a value of 3165 or greater.
Description: Host On-Demand requires that Microsoft Internet Explorer run a Microsoft Java 1 JVM level of 3165 or greater. However, by default Host On-Demand does not check the JVM level of Internet Explorer.

If you include the JVMMinimum parameter, then Host On-Demand will refuse to start a session on Internet Explorer unless the level of the Java 1 JVM of Internet Explorer is equal to or greater than the value specified by JVMMinimum.

You can set the level to 3165 or higher. For example, if you set the value to 3240, then Host On-Demand will refuse to start a session on Internet Explorer unless the level of the Java 1 JVM of Internet Explorer is equal to or higher than 3240.

Name: Save
Value: directory location
Description: For HTML-based and Combined models only. Specifies the base directory location where local user preferences will be stored. The directory must exist or the user will get an error.

Examples of valid Save directories are as follows:

The Save directory is only a base location for storing user preferences. Preferences will be stored in the following subdirectories within the Save directory (these folders are created dynamically): user login/profile ID/HODData/web page name.

Name: ShareCachedClient
Value: true
Description: Enables users on Windows 2000 and Windows XP multi-user machines using either Internet Explorer with the Microsoft JVM or a browser with a Java 2 plug-in to share a single image of the cached client. Only the first user will download the cached client code. Subsequent users may use or update this code without requiring a full download.

If you have users who are Restricted Users, see Cached client support for Windows 2000 and Windows XP for more information on using this parameter.

Name: SharedCachedDirectory
Value: fully qualified path
Description: Allows the customer to specify the directory location where the cached client will be installed

For users who are running Windows XP or Windows 2000 operating systems and either Internet Explorer with the Microsoft JVM or a browser with a Java 2 plug-in, administrators can now specify the install directory of the shared cached client instead of accepting the default location of %SystemRoot%\Documents and Settings\All Users. You must give Read, Modify, and Write access to this directory. Host On-Demand ignores the SharedCachedDirectory parameter unless the ShareCachedClient is set to true.

You must provide a fully qualified path of the directory where you want to install the cached client, for example, c:\Program Files\IBM. The Host On-Demand cached client appends IBMHOD\HODCC to this string.

Name: SkipConfigProperties
Value: true
Description: Prevents the reading of HTML parameters from the file.

Any parameters in the file (in the Host On-Demand publish directory) will apply to all HTML files, unless the HTML file specifically overrides the parameter value. If for some reason you want to prevent the HTML file from reading values in, you can use this option.

Setting global values: If you want to set global values that apply to all HTML files, you can specify any of these additional parameters in the file in the Host On-Demand publish directory. All Host On-Demand applets read the file. This provides an easier way of setting global HTML parameters than specifying them in each HTML file. Any of these HTML parameter can be set this way, and as long as the value is not specified in the HTML file, the value from the will be used.

Name: SupportHTML
Value:URL of HTML file to display when user selects Support option of Help menu item
Description: Causes the specified HTML file to be displayed when the Support option of the Help menu item for the Session window is selected.

If this parameter is not specified, the help page, which provides IBM contact information, is displayed. A related parameter, DisableSupport, can be used to disable the Help/Support option.

Name: TraceOptions
Value: SaveLocation=MyLocation,OutputFile=MyOutputFile,NumberOfTraceEntries=MyNumber, traceoption1=value1,traceoption2=value2, traceoption3=option3, and so on.

For more a complete list of trace types and values see Configuring the TraceOptions HTML Parameter.
Description: Automatically starts the Trace Facility using the parameters and values that you specify. For more information see Configuring the TraceOptions HTML Parameter.

Name: WebServerHostname
Value: The hostname of the Host On-Demand server that the user will connect to after installing the Host On-Demand Java 2 cached client from a LAN or CD. For example, if the user will attach to the file http://myHODServer/hod/myFileA.html then the hostname is myHODServer.

Description: Saves the user from having to type in the hostname when installing the Java 2 cached client from a LAN or CD. This parameter is useful only for the Java 2 cached client. It is not needed for the Java 1 cached client.

The Java 2 cached client stores downloaded components into different directories depending on which Host On-Demand server the components were downloaded from. When the components are copied from a LAN or CD drive rather than being downloaded from a Host On-Demand server, the Java 2 cached client needs to be told the hostname of the Host On-Demand server to which these components belong. If this parameter is not present, the user will be prompted for the hostname of the Host On-Demand server.

The hostname that you supply for the value of this parameter must be spelled exactly the same, character-for-character, as the hostname that the user will later use to access this HTML file on the Host On-Demand server. For example, if the user will access the file as
then you should use this very same hostname myHODServer for the value of this parameter. Likewise, if the user will access the file as
then you should use this very same hostname for the value of this parameter. The cached client code treats myHODServer and as different hostnames. Dotted decimal IP addresses such as are also valid if the end user will be accessing the file as