The Advanced Options window lets you choose several more advanced options used in 3270 host print. When a PDT is being used, some values set on this panel will temporarily override the values set in the PDT. The changes are effective only for sessions started from this configuration; they do not alter the PDT.
To return to the values that applied when the window was opened, click Cancel. To return to the default values, click Defaults.
This option applies only to LU Type 3 sessions.
Use this option to determine how the 3270 field-attribute byte is drawn. Choose the None, Here, or Next options.
If you choose None, the field-attribute byte is drawn as a space character without an attribute.
If you choose Here, the field-attribute byte is used to draw the current byte. For example, if the current byte is defined as an underscore field, the field-attribute byte is drawn as a space character with the underscore attribute.
If you choose Next, the field-attribute byte is used to draw the next field-attribute byte.
The following illustrates each of the options:
| | |
| | +-- Non-underlined field
| +-- Underlined field
+-- Underlined field
This is how each option prints:
a = field-attribute byte (prints as a blank)
none | here | next |
axxxxxaxxxxxaxxxxx | axxxxxaxxxxxaxxxxx | axxxxxaxxxxxaxxxxx |
When a PDT is being used, this parameter is useful only for printers that do not support the default code page. When a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, this is useful for using a font that is not built as a Unicode font.
It defines the ASCII code page used for the font. When a PDT is being used, it should be consistent with the character code-points specified in the PDT file.
When a PDT is being used, the default is 850 for Latin-1 countries and regions, and the respective country or region's default ASCII code page for other countries or regions. When a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, the default is Unicode.
Note: This option is not available if you are printing to an Adobe PDF file.
The inactivity time is used to monitor print jobs and pop up an 'intervention required' message if a printer error occurs. When a PDT is being used, the inactivity time can also be set by changing the INTERV_REQ_TIMER= session parameter in the PDT.
The default value is 10 seconds. A value of 0 disables the timer; a value below 11 sets an interval of 10 seconds; the maximum value is 255.
Note: This option is not available if you are printing to an Adobe PDF file.
If a value other than zero is specified for this field, that value is used as the expiration time for the print-job concatenation timer, which starts at the end of a print job. If the next print job arrives before the timer expires, that job is treated as a continuation of the previous job. If the time expires, an end-of-job command is sent to the printer and the next job is treated as a separate job.
The value is specified in seconds.
The default is zero, which means that the concatenation timer is not used (print jobs are never concatenated).
Note: This option is not available if you are printing to an Adobe PDF file.
If a value other than zero is specified for this field, that value is used as the expiration time for the print-job termination timer, which starts at the end of the print data. If another print-data record arrives before the timer expires, that job is treated as the continuation of the previous record. Otherwise, an end-of-job command is sent to the printer and the next print record is treated as the beginning of a separate print job.
The value is specified in seconds.
The default is zero, which means that print jobs are terminated by the end-of-job command but never by the timer.
This option is only available on Windows platforms when (1) Print to Windows Printer is selected and (2) a PDT is not being used.
If you select Yes, the Windows font size is calculated based on the Maximum lines per page and the Maximum characters per line options on the Page Setup tab (the Characters per inch and the Lines per inch options are ignored).
On LU Type 1 sessions, Host On-Demand ignores the Maximum lines per page, the Maximum characters per line, the Characters per inch, and the Lines per inch options that are set by SLD, SPD, SVF, or SHF SCS commands.
The default is No.
Note: This option is not available if you are printing to an Adobe PDF file.
This option applies only to LU Type 3 sessions.
Choose Yes to ignore all 3270 attributes except non-printable attributes.
The default is No.
This option applies only to LU Type 1 sessions.
If you choose Yes, a negative response is sent to the host when an incorrect SCS command or parameter is received. If there is more data in the job, printing continues, although some of the printed data may be incorrect.
If you choose No, printing continues, but no notification is sent to the host. If there is a physical printer or connection problem, a sense-code is sent to the host even if you choose No.
The default is Yes.
This option applies only to sessions using a PDT.
If you choose Yes, the parameters used in LU Type 1 print-job processing (such as, tab positions MPP or MPL) are inherited by the next job. This option is used when the host system sends a formatting command such as Set Horizontal Format for the first job, but assumes that the second and later jobs will use the format that is set for the first job.
The default is No.
Note: This option is not available if you are printing to an Adobe PDF file.
This option applies only to sessions using a PDT.
If you choose Yes, a form feed is not sent at the page boundary; a newline (NL) is sent instead. However, if a SET_AUTO_PERFORATION_SKIP command is defined in the PDT, a form feed is not sent, regardless of the setting of this option.
The default is No.
Note: This option is not available if you are printing to an Adobe PDF file.
These options are only available if you select Print to File and Use Adobe PDF in the Printer window.
Paper Size
Select the paper size to be used in the generated PDF files. The default value with US English locale is "Letter." See Adobe PDF default fonts for the default values when other locales are being used.
Paper Orientation
Select either Portrait or Landscape paper orientation. The default value is Portrait.
Select a font from the drop-down list of predefined fonts to use in the generated PDF file. The default font with US English locale is Courier. See Adobe PDF default fonts for the default values when other locales are used.
The list of fonts is also different depending on the host code page that is currently selected. Note that the PDF file generated with the LucidaConsole font or the CourierNewPSMT font might not be displayed correctly on non-Windows or older Windows platforms. This display problem does not occur on newer Windows platforms that support OpenType fonts by default (Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows XP).
Select Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. You cannot change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.
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