
File Transfer Types (3270 and 5250 Display sessions)

File Transfer Type
File Transfer Defaults

File Transfer Type

Choose a transfer type to copy files from the host to your workstation or from your workstation to the host:

Host File Transfer
This choice is the default. The display session itself provides a function for transferring files between the host and your workstation. If the display session is configured to use a secure protocol such as TLS or SSL, then the file transfers are secure.
Host On-Demand starts a separate FTP session for transferring files between the host and your workstation. If you want the file transfers to be secure, you must separately configure the FTP session to use a secure protocol such as TLS, SSL, or SSH.


If you customized your session toolbar, the file transfer button(s) might not automatically appear on the toolbar after you change the file transfer type. You might have to add the buttons manually.

File Transfer Defaults

You can change the file transfer default options for both Host File Transfer and FTP:


Select Lock to prevent users from changing any file transfer value for a session.