
Transfer Type

Transfer Mode
ASCII File Types
Edit ASCII File Types

Transfer Mode
Sets the default file transfer mode. Valid values include ASCII mode, Binary mode and Auto-detect. ASCII files are typically plain text files, while binary files can executable, graphics or a proprietary format (for example, database .dbf and MS Word .doc files). Auto-detect automatically selects the proper file transfer mode for each file based on the file's extension. Files with an extension listed in the ASCII File Types list are transferred as ASCII files. Files with an extension not listed in the ASCII File Types list are transferred as binary files.

The default is Auto-detect.

ASCII File Types
Determines which files are transferred in ASCII mode instead of binary mode when Default Transfer Mode is set to Auto-detect. Files with an extension listed in this list are transferred as ASCII files. Files with an extension not listed in this list are transferred as binary files

Edit ASCII File Types
Allows you to add and remove entries in the list of ASCII File Types. To add an ASCII File Type, click the Edit ASCII File Types button. Enter the text to associate with ASCII mode in the dialog box that displays, and then click Add. To Add multiple entries, type each one into the dialog box, separated by commas (","), and click Add. To remove an ASCII File Type, click the Edit ASCII File Types button. Select the File Type from the list in the dialog box, and click Remove. To remove multiple entries, select entries by clicking on them and click Remove. Click OK when you are finished editing ASCII File Types.

Lock (Host On-Demand Administrator only)
Check Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.