If file exists
Confirm before Delete
Transfer List Error
If file exists
Determines what action the session takes if the file already exits. Choices include Overwrite
Existing, Prompt for Action, and Skip the File. When set to Prompt for Action, you can choose to
Overwrite, Save As, Skip the File or Cancel.
The Transfer List Manager in the FTP client ignores this value.
The default is Prompt for Action.
Confirm before Delete
Prompts for confirmation before a file is deleted.
The default is Yes.
Transfer List Error
Allows you to choose what happens if an error occurs during the upload or download of
a transfer list. If you select Prompt for Action, a window appears allowing you to continue
or cancel the transfer. If you select Continue, the transfer of the remaining files or
directories in the list continues. When the transfer is complete, a window appears with
the number of errors during the transfer. Click Show Errors to view the errors.
Lock (Host On-Demand Administrator only)
Check Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can
not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed
from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.