
Exporting sessions

If you are exporting a session icon configured for multiple sessions, you must export all of the sessions contained within that configuration. For example, if the multiple session is configured to start a 3270 session, a 5250 session and a 3270 print session, then you need to export all 3 of those sessions along with the multiple session icon.

To export a Host On-Demand session to a file:

  1. In the Configured Sessions area, right-click the icon for the session you want to export, then click Export Session.
  2. Type a filename for the exported session, or click Browse. The default file extension is .hod.
  3. Click OK.

The parameters for the selected session are saved in this file. You can later import the file to restore a session and you can duplicate the file for distribution.

Using exported sessions

The ability to configure sessions for groups of users provides the administrator with one method of distributing sessions; the Export function provides even more flexibility because it allows administrators to distribute sessions regardless of groups.

For example, if an administrator publishes a session on a Web site, users can download the session and import it. This eliminates the need for administrators to add large numbers of users to a single group to make the session publicly available.

Related topics

  • Importing sessions