Certificates can be obtained from one of the following:
Well-known Certificate Authority (CA)
Create a certificate request, then obtain and store a server certificate from one of the
pre-defined (well-known) CAs. This procedure requires the least setup because the Host On-Demand
key database files already include the root certificates of several CAs.
Unknown CA
Create a certificate request, then obtain a server certificate and a root certificate from a
CA that does not have its root certificate already included in the database. Having obtained the
certificates, you must store them in the key database files.
You can create a certificate and use it while you are waiting for a CA's certificate, which
can take some time. If you think the self-signed certificate provides adequate security, you can
use it permanently.
Host On-Demand provides Certificate Management, a graphical certificate management tool, for the following tasks:
This tool is supported for both Windows and AIX.