
Logon Type

Choose how users will access the Host On-Demand configuration server.

Prompt users to enter Host On-Demand user ID
Users will be prompted to enter their user ID and password when starting this file.

Use Web Express Logon
Type the full URL of the Credential Mapper Server, for example, https://server_name/junction/cm/CredMapper, where

The servlet that resides at this URL processes the HTTPS request from the user, performs a lookup, and returns the user's credentials. The credentials are then used to perform an automated Host On-Demand login.

Automatically log users on to Host On-Demand using Windows username
Users must be logged on to a Windows domain to use this option. The Host On-Demand logon panel will not be displayed and the Windows username will be used as the Host On-Demand user ID.

Users are from Windows domain
Users must be from this Window's domain or they will be denied access to Host On-Demand. You can specify multiple domains by listing all the domains separated by commas.

Create user ID if it doesn't exist?
If you choose yes, and the Host On-Demand user ID doesn't already exist (matching the Window's username), one will automatically be created in the specified Host On-Demand group. (Unless you are using LDAP, you can add the user ID to multiple groups by listing all the groups separated by commas.) If you choose no, and the user ID doesn't already exist, they will be denied access to Host On-Demand.

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