

Thai Composed Mode

Thai Options

Thai Composed Mode

Select a display mode:

1 - Non-composeNo character composition occurs.
2 - ComposedThai characters are auto-composed. No column realignment is performed.
3 - Composed with space alignmentThree consecutive spaces cause column realignment. The realignment occurs whenever composing routine finds three consecutive spaces. If all fields have at least three trailing spaces, then all fields of all records will be properly aligned.
4 - Composed with EOF alignmentThe EOF character (Hexadecimal 'EA') also causes column realignment. Whenever the composing routine finds a single EOF, it deletes the EOF and performs column realignment. If two consecutive EOFs are found, no realignment occurs, one EOF is deleted, and one EOF is treated as data.
5 - Composed with space and EOF alignmentCombines column realignment function of both mode 3 and mode 4.


Select Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu or tool bar can be changed.