

Session Name
Destination Address
Destination Port
Screen Size
CICS Server
CICS-Gateway Code Page
Enable Initial Transaction
Initial Transaction
Lock option

Session Name
The name you want your session to have. The name appears beneath the session's icon and at the top of the session window.

Destination Address
The host name or TCP/IP address of the Telnet server to which you want the session to connect. This can be the Host On-Demand server (if the session will connect through the Redirector), a communications server/gateway or a host system.

If you are configuring a Host Printing session for use as only an associated printer session, you can leave this field blank. When the associated printer session starts, Host On-Demand will use the same address used by the display session.

Destination Port
The port number on which the target server is listening for connections. If the session will connect to the Host On-Demand Redirector, this number must match the Redirector's Local Port number.

The default port is 23 for 3270, 5250 and VT, and 2006 for CICS.

If you are configuring a Host Printing session for use as only an associated printer session, you can leave this field blank. When the associated printer session starts, Host On-Demand will use the same port used by the display session.

Screen Size
Defines the number of rows and columns in the session screen. Click the arrow next to the field to see the choices.

The default is 24x80.

CICS Server
The name of the CICS server to which the session connects. If this field is blank, the CICS Gateway's default server is used.

CICS Gateway Code Page
The code page in use by the operating system at the CICS Gateway. If this field is set to 000 Auto-detect, Host On-Demand normally retrieves the code-page setting from the CICS Gateway; if that is not possible, you must get the correct code page from the network administrator.

The name of the terminal resource to be installed or reserved. If this field is blank, the selected terminal type is not predictable.

Enable Initial Transaction
Select Yes to begin your session with an initial transaction. If you select No, the CICS session starts without a transaction: when you connect with the host, your session screen is blank. (Selecting No deactivates the next field, Initial Transaction.)

The default is Yes.

Initial Transaction
The name of the CICS transaction that begins with the start of your session. This field is pre-filled with CECI, over which you may type the name of a different transaction.

Automatically connects the session to the target telnet server. If you set this to No, you must click Connect in the session menu every time you want to connect a session.

The default is Yes.

Reconnects the session automatically if communications fails and later recovers.

The default is Yes.

Lock option
Select Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.