Changing the administrator user ID and password
To change the administrator user ID and password, complete the following steps:
- Click Users/Groups in the Administration window.
- Right-click the Administrator ID from the User list and click Properties.
- Type the new User ID (you can do this only for the administrator account).
- Optionally, change the description.
- Optionally, type a password and its confirmation.
- Click OK.
Creating a new administrator user ID and password
If you forget your administrator password, complete the following steps to create a new user ID and password.
- In Host On-Demand install\HostOnDemand\private on the Host On-Demand server, where Host On-Demand install
is your Host On-Demand installation directory, open ConfigAgentParms.Data in a text editor.
- Look for the following line:
ADMIN=WriteUserFolders admin|password
This line contains the default administrator ID and password, which are admin and password. Your current password is not saved in this file.
- To add a new administrator ID, type a second name and password after the default ID and password,
for example:
ADMIN=WriteUserFolders admin|password admin1|testpw
- Save the file to its original directory on the Host On-Demand server.
- Restart the Host On-Demand Service Manager.
You can now log on to Host On-Demand Administration using the new administrator ID and password.
According to the example, use the ID admin1 and the password testpw.