
Using Session 1 to bypass logon and start a configured session

  • Session1 and session2 do not support new functions added to Host On-Demand Version 5.0. Use the Deployment Wizard instead.
  • These steps require you to have a session already configured. Make sure that the session works correctly before you create the HTML file.
  • The user's account must be configured on the Host On-Demand server.
  • If you create files for several users, each file must have a different name.
  • Launching a pre-configured session using the session1.html file does not let you save preferences. When you close the session, any changes you made are discarded.

To create an HTML file for a user:

  1. Open session1.html with an ASCII text editor. Session1.html includes all the possible parameters and can be found in the doc/samples/html directory.
  2. Add or change the parameter values.
  3. Save your changes and copy the file to the Web server published directory or the On-Demand Server published directory.
  4. Test the file to verify that it works correctly.

Using Session 1 and Session 2 to create buttons for sessions

The session1 example uses a configured session. You can use the same steps to create a file that displays sessions as push buttons instead of icons. The example that follows has buttons for 4 sessions in one row. The width and height have been adjusted, but you can use any values.

	<APPLET archive="hod40.jar" CODE="" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=50>

	<PARAM NAME="User"			VALUE="orders">
	<PARAM NAME="Password"			VALUE="">
	<PARAM NAME="Embedded"              	VALUE="false">
	<PARAM NAME="Rows"			VALUE="1">
	<PARAM NAME="Columns"			VALUE="4">