Adding or modifying a user
To allow users to create accounts for themselves or for other users so they can use
Host On-Demand sessions, select Allow users to create accounts
on the Users/Groups window.
To modify a user, right-click the user and select Properties.
To add a user:
- Click Users/Groups in the Administration window.
- Click New User on the Users/Groups window.
- Enter the required information.
- User ID
- Type the User ID. You can use only equivalent to English A-Z,
a-z, 0-9, . (period), and - (hyphen). When using LDAP, User IDs can be mixed case. When
using Host On-Demand to store configuration information, User IDs are converted to
lowercase characters. IDs must be unique. You cannot have a user ID and a group ID that
are the same, even if one is in lower case and the other is in upper.
Note for Windows users: If you define Host On-Demand user IDs that
are identical to their corresponding Windows domain user IDs, users who log on to their
Windows domain user IDs do not have to log in again to access their Host On-Demand
sessions. |
- Description
- Type a description of the user. You can use any character except | (vertical bar) and #
(number or pound sign).
- New Password
- Type a password. You can use any character. A password is not required.
- Confirm Password
- Enter the password again.
- Select one or more groups for the new user from the Not a member of list and
click Add. A user must be a member of at least one group.
If you are using LDAP, a user can be a member of only one group. Select the group that
you want the user to be a member of. |
- If you do not want the user to be able to save preferences (changes that the user might
make to a host session configuration), select Do not save preferences. This feature
is useful for user IDs shared by more than one person.
- If you do not want the user to change the password, select User cannot change
- If you use native authentication, select Use Native
Authentication and enter a user ID to be used for the authentication process.
- Click Apply. Repeat the steps above to create another user account.
- Click Close when you finish.
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