import; // Get the Environment class import*; // Access to the API classes import java.applet.*; // Get the Applet class import java.awt.*; // Get the AWT classes public class TermTest extends Applet { CustomDesktop desktop;
public void init() { super.init(); // Call init on the super class setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Environment env = new Environment(this); try { HODSessionManager sm = new HODSessionManager(); desktop = sm.createCustomDesktop(env, "TermTest"); HODDisplaySession session = desktop.startDisplaySession("3270 Display"); add(BorderLayout.NORTH, session.getToolbar()); add(BorderLayout.CENTER, (Component)session.getTerminal()); validate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // end init method } // end TermTest class
The following explains each statement or group of statements used in the sample program:
import; // Get the Environment class import*; // Access to the API classes import java.applet.*; // Get the Applet class import java.awt.*; // Get AWT classes
public class TermTest extends Applet {
public void init() { super.init(); setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Environment env = new Environment(this);
try { /* * The name of the HTML file generated by the Deployment * wizard is TermTest. HODData/TermTest exists on the Web server * and contains the session definition files. */ HODSessionManager sm = new HODSessionManager(); CustomDesktop desktop = sm.createCustomDesktop(env, "TermTest"); HODDisplaySession session = desktop.startDisplaySession("3270 Display"); add(BorderLayout.NORTH, session.getToolbar()); add(BorderLayout.CENTER, (Component)session.getTerminal()); validate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
Use the following simple HTML file to run the applet you created. The applet parameter ParameterFile must be present to use the API:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>First Programmable Host On-Demand Applet</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <APPLET archive="habasen.jar,hodbasen.jar,hodapin.jar,ha3270n.jar,hodimg.jar,hacp.jar,ha_en.jar,customer.jar" CODE="TermTest.class" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=700> <PARAM NAME="Cabinets" VALUE=",,,,,,,"> <PARAM NAME="ParameterFile" VALUE="HODData\\TermTest\\params.txt"> </APPLET> </BODY> </HTML>
To run TermTest, complete the following steps:
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