Applications currently written to the Emulator High Level Language API (EHLLAPI) can be modified to use the Host Access Class Library (HACL). In general it requires significant source code changes or application restructuring to migrate from EHLLAPI to HACL. HACL presents a different programming model than EHLLAPI and generally requires a different application structure to be effective.
The following sections will help a programmer who is familiar with EHLLAPI to understand how HACL is similar and how HACL is different than EHLLAPI. Using this information, you can understand how a particular application can be modified to use HACL.
Note: EHLLAPI uses the term session to mean the same thing as a HACL connection. The terms are used interchangeably in this section.
At the most fundamental level, EHLLAPI and HACL differ in the mechanics of how the API is called by an application program.
EHLLAPI is implemented as a single call-point interface with multiple-use parameters. A single entry point (hllapi) in a DLL provides all the functions based on a fixed set of four parameters. Three of the parameters take on different meanings depending on the value of the first command parameter. This simple interface makes is easier to call the API from a variety of programming environments and languages. The disadvantage is a lot of complexity packed into one function and four parameters.
HACL is an object-oriented interface that provides a set of programming objects instead of explicit entry points or functions. The objects have properties and methods that can be used to manipulate a host connection. You do not have to be concerned with details of structure packing and parameter command codes, but can focus on the application functions.
At a high level, HACL provides a number of features not available at the EHLLAPI level. There are also a few features of EHLLAPI not currently implemented in any HACL class.
HACL unique features include:
EHLLAPI features not currently implemented in HACL include:
The HACL architecture is not limited to 26 sessions. Therefore, a single character session ID such as that used in EHLLAPI is not appropriate. HACL uses the concept of a session name, which is simply a string that identifies a session. The session name is provided by the application when an instance of ECLSession is created.
The HACL presentation space model is easier to use than that of EHLLAPI. The HACL presentation space consists of a number of planes, each of which contains one type of data. The planes are:
The planes are all the same size and contain one character (Java native type) for each character position in the host presentation space. An application can obtain any plane of interest using the ECLPS.GetScreen method.
This model is different from EHLLAPI, in which text and non-text presentation space data is often interleaved in a buffer. An application must set the EHLLAPI session parameter to specify what type of data to retrieve, then make another call to copy the data to a buffer. The HACL model allows the application to get the data of interest in a single call. Different data types are never mixed in a single buffer.
The HACL method for sending keystrokes to the host (ECLPS.SendKeys) is similar to the EHLLAPI SendKey function. However, EHLLAPI uses cryptic escape codes to represent non-text keys such as ENTER, PF1 and BACKTAB. The ECLPS object uses bracketed keywords called mnemonics to represent these keystrokes. For example, the following sample would type the characters "ABC" at the current cursor position, followed by an ENTER key:
ps.SendKeys("ABC[enter]"); // Send keystrokes
See Appendix A. Sendkeys Mnemonic Keywords for more information.
EHLLAPI provides multiple ways to receive asynchronous notifications, including use of semaphores, window messages, and polling. HACL provides only one consistent method of event notification for all event types and takes care of the threading internally.
However, you must be aware that the event procedures are called on a separate thread of execution. Access to dynamic application data must be synchronized when accessed from an event procedure.
An EHLLAPI application must manage a connection to different sessions by calling ConnectPS and DisconnectPS EHLLAPI functions. The application must be carefully coded to avoid being connected to a session indefinitely because sessions have to be shared by all EHLLAPI applications. You must also ensure that an application is connected to a session before using certain other EHLLAPI functions.
HACL does not require any explicit session connect or disconnect by the application. Each HACL object is associated with a particular host session when it is constructed. To access multiple, different hosts, the application need only create different instances of ECLSession for each one. For applications that interact with multiple connections (sessions), this can greatly simplify the code needed to manage multiple connections.
In addition to the single working session, EHLLAPI also places constraints on the multithreaded nature of the application. Connecting to the presentation space and disconnecting from the presentation space has to be managed carefully when the application has more than one thread calling the EHLLAPI interface. Even with multiple threads, the application can interact with only one session at a time.
HACL does not impose any particular multithreading restrictions on applications. An application can interact with any number of sessions on any number of threads concurrently.
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