This is a sample Java Server Page (JSP) application using J2HODScreenableRecord as a screen record. It is an example of a TN3270 application running in a managed environment.
This sample JSP file, JNDIClientScreenableSample.jsp, is also located in the directory ...\samples\tn3270\. The output generated from executing it is in the file ...\samples\tn3270\JNDIClientScreenableSampleOutput.html.
<% %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="javax.naming.*" %> <%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Hashtable" %> <%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="*" %> <% /** * An implementation of the application client. It accesses the connector using JNDI * lookup mechanism. */ out.println ("<pre>"); out.println ("Main - Enter<br>"); Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, ""); String USERID = "TestID"; String PASSWORD = "Passwd"; try { //try // Create the initial context Context ctx = new InitialContext(env); // get Connection Factory via JNDI lookup and close Context out.println ("JNDI trying to look up..."); J2HODConnectionFactory cf = (J2HODConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("eis/j2hod_cf"); out.println("JNDI lookup successfull: " + cf+"<br>"); ctx.close(); out.println("trying getManagedConnectionFactory..."); J2HOD3270ManagedConnectionFactory mcf = (J2HOD3270ManagedConnectionFactory)cf.getManagedConnectionFactory(); out.println("getManagedConnectionFactory successfull: " + mcf.toString()); out.println("ServerName/Port Number = " + mcf.getServerName() + " / " + mcf.getPortNumber() + "<br>"); // set up properties J2HODConnectionSpec connectionSpec = new J2HODConnectionSpec(); connectionSpec.setUserName("j2chod"); //specify according to your setting connectionSpec.setPassword("connector"); //specify according to your setting // create connection out.println("trying getConnection..."); J2HODConnection connection = (J2HODConnection)cf.getConnection(connectionSpec); out.println("getConnection successfull: " + connection.toString() + "<br>"); // create screenable record instances to represent each screen J2HODScreenableRecord logonScreen = new J2HODScreenableRecord(); J2HODScreenableRecord msgScreen = new J2HODScreenableRecord(); // create interaction J2HODInteraction interaction = (J2HODInteraction)connection.createInteraction(); J2HODInteractionSpec interactionSpec; // set interactionSpec as RECEIVE mode with output screen recognition description interactionSpec = new J2HODInteractionSpec(); interactionSpec.setExecutionTimeout(new Integer(60000)); interactionSpec.setInteractionVerb(new Integer(J2HODInteractionSpec.SYNC_RECEIVE)); interactionSpec.setScreenName("Logon Screen"); interactionSpec.setRecognizeRow(new Integer(20)); interactionSpec.setRecognizeColumn(new Integer(2)); interactionSpec.setRecognizeString("USERID ===>"); out.println ("trying execute with SYNC_RECEIVE"); if (connection.execute(interactionSpec, null, logonScreen)) out.println ("successful execution with Matching return screen"); else out.println ("successful execution with NON-Matching return screen"); out.println ("connection.execute(receive logonScreen) done.<br>"); // print each field information from logonScreen out.println ("total number of fields in logonScreen = "+logonScreen.getFieldCount()); out.print ("<font color=#008800>"); Iterator it = logonScreen.getFields(); int fCount=0; while (it.hasNext()) { //print each fields on screen fCount++; J2HODFieldRecord fieldRec = (J2HODFieldRecord); out.println ("field["+fCount+"] = ["+fieldRec.getText()+"]"); } out.println ("</font><br>"); // set interactionSpec as SEND-RECEIVE mode with output screen recognition description interactionSpec = new J2HODInteractionSpec(); interactionSpec.setExecutionTimeout(new Integer(60000)); interactionSpec.setInteractionVerb(new Integer(J2HODInteractionSpec.SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE)); interactionSpec.setKeyName("ENTER"); interactionSpec.setScreenName("Message Screen"); interactionSpec.setRecognizeRow(new Integer(4)); interactionSpec.setRecognizeColumn(new Integer(1)); interactionSpec.setRecognizeString("Enter one of the following commands:"); // set ID and PW - begin out.println ("setting ID/PW to logonScreen - begin"); logonScreen.getField(54).setText(USERID); //get and set ID field logonScreen.getField(57).setText(PASSWORD); //get and set PW field out.println ("setting ID/PW to logonScreen - done"); // set ID and PW - end out.println ("trying to execute with SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE"); if (connection.execute(interactionSpec, logonScreen, msgScreen)) out.println ("successful execution with Matching return screen"); else out.println ("successful execution with NON-Matching return screen"); out.println ("connection.execute(send logonScreen, receive msgScreen) done.<br>"); // print each field information from msgScreen out.println ("total number of fields in msgScreen = "+msgScreen.getFieldCount()); out.print ("<font color=#008800>"); it = msgScreen.getFields(); fCount=0; while (it.hasNext()) { fCount++; J2HODFieldRecord fieldRec = (J2HODFieldRecord); out.println ("field["+fCount+"] = ["+fieldRec.getText()+"]"); } out.println ("</font><br>"); // set interactionSpec as SEND mode with no screen recognition description // since we are not receiving, there's no need to specify received screen recognition descriptions interactionSpec = new J2HODInteractionSpec(); interactionSpec.setExecutionTimeout(new Integer(60000)); interactionSpec.setInteractionVerb(new Integer(J2HODInteractionSpec.SYNC_SEND)); interactionSpec.setKeyName(J2HODInteractionSpec.ENTER); interactionSpec.setScreenName("Logon Screen"); // Set Logoff Command - begin out.println ("setting a Logoff Command to msgScreen - begin"); msgScreen.getField(2).setText("logoff"); //get and set command field out.println ("setting a Logoff Command to msgScreen - done"); // Set Logoff Command - end out.println ("trying execute with SYNC_SEND"); connection.execute(interactionSpec, msgScreen, null); out.println ("successful execution of sending logoff command<br>"); // close interaction out.println("trying interaction.close()..."); interaction.close(); out.println("interaction.close() successful.<br>"); // close connection out.println("trying connection.close()..."); connection.close(); out.println("connection.close() successful.<br>"); } //try catch (NamingException exn1) { out.println("***ERROR*** Operation failed: " + exn1 + "<br>"); exn1.printStackTrace(); } catch (javax.resource.ResourceException exn2) { out.println("***ERROR*** Operation failed: " + exn2 + "<br>"); exn2.printStackTrace(); } catch ( se) { out.println ("***ERROR*** Operation failed: " + se.toString() + "<br>"); se.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { out.println("***ERROR*** Operation failed: " + ex + "<br>"); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Throwable t) { out.println("***ERROR*** Operation failed: " + t.toString() + "<br>"); t.printStackTrace(); } out.println ("<br>Main - Exit"); out.println ("</pre>"); %>
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