Host On-Demand J2EE Connector
The Host On-Demand J2EE Connector consists of the following classes:
- J2HODConnection - This is an
application level handle to the Managed Connection. Subject to change once J2EE/CA
specification includes Common Client Interfaces.
- J2HODConnectionFactory
- This is an application level handle to the Managed Connection Factory, returned from the
JNDI lookup, and used to obtain connections.
- J2HODConnectionRequestInfo
- Enables a resource adapter to pass its own request specific data structure across the
connection request flow.
- J2HODConnectionSpec - This
class is used by an application component to pass connection request-specific properties
to the ConnectionFactory.getConnection() method.
- J2HODInteraction - This class
enables a component to execute EIS functions.
- J2HODInteractionSpec -
This class defines an interaction specification which holds all interaction-relevant
- J2HODManagedConnection
- ManagedConnection instance represents a physical connection to the underlying EIS.
- J2HODBaseManagedConnectionFactory
- This is a base class for other ManagedconnectionFactory classes.
- J2HOD3270ManagedConnectionFactory
- This class defines a managedConnectionFactory specification which holds all relevant
connection properties.
- J2HOD5250ManagedConnectionFactory
- This class defines a managedConnectionFactory specification which holds all relevant
connection properties.
- J2HODCICSManagedConnectionFactory
- This class defines a managedConnectionFactory specification which holds all relevant
connection properties.
- J2HODVTManagedConnectionFactory
- This class defines a ManagedConnectionFactory specification which holds all relevant
connection properties.
- J2HODScreenRecord - This
class is used to represent a screen record based on a Screenable interface. It is
represented by a collection of fields and field attributes.
- J2HODFieldAttrInfo
- This class represents attribute information for a field.
- J2HODFieldData
- This class represents field data information.
- J2HODFieldInfo -
This class contains information about a field.
- J2HODFieldRecord -
This class contains information about field attributes.
- J2HODScreenableRecord
- This class represents a screen record and implements the Screenable interface. It is
represented by a collection of fields and field attributes.
- J2HODScreenInfo -
This class represents screen information. It implements the IScreenInfo interface.
- J2HODTextAttrInfo
- This class represents text attribute information of a field. It only supports TN3270
For details, please see the Host On-Demand J2EE Connector API
documentation (Javadoc).
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