Host On-Demand J2EE Connector is based on Version 1.0 of the Sun Microsystems J2EE Connector Architecture Specification. Before the J2EE Connector architecture was introduced, there was no standard architecture for integrating heterogeneous Enterprise Information Systems (EIS). Host On-Demand users had to use Host Access Class Library (HACL) to access hosts; other vendors provide specific architectures for this purpose. J2EE Connector architecture provides a standard set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allowing developers to quickly connect and integrate their applications with virtually any backend EIS, and to any application servers conforming to the J2EE Connector architecture.
The Host On-Demand J2EE Connector provides access to 3270, 5250, Customer Information and Control System (CICS), and Virtual Terminal (VT) hosts from the Internet. The Host On-Demand J2EE Connector is a Java programming interface which conforms to the J2EE Connector Specification Version 1.0 from Sun Microsystems and the Common Client Interface (CCI) infrastructure. It is supported by IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer - Integrated Edition (WSAD-IE).
An application or servlet uses the Host On-Demand J2EE Connector classes for host access over TCP/IP using standard protocols: TN3270, TN5250, CICS Transaction Gateway, or VT emulation. For 3270 and 5250 hosts, a Telnet server gateway (such as IBM's Communications Server family of products) is used to translate the incoming Telnet stream into an SNA datastream. Host On-Demand supports encryption of the datastream for Telnet servers which support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
J2EE Connector is just one of the programming environments that Host On-Demand customers can use to develop customized applications, applets, and servlets. In environments where the customer needs the complete functionality of Host On-Demand, develop applications with the Host Access Class Library and Host Access Beans interfaces.
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