This edition of Host On-Demand Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Connector is based on the Sun Microsystems J2EE Connector Architecture Specification.
This book provides necessary programming information for you to use the Host On-Demand J2EE Connector. In this book, Windows refers to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows NT. Throughout this book, workstation refers to all computers running operating systems that can run supported browsers or have a supported Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Throughout this book, Host On-Demand J2EE Connector refers to the implementation provided by IBM WebSphere Host On-Demand, Version 8.0 (program number 5724-F69)
In order to develop and run applications using Host On-Demand J2EE Connector, the following tools may be used:
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