Rational Unified Process Service Release 2003.06.01 Release Notes

June, 2003

Copyright © 2003 Rational Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This documentation (the "Work") is protected under the copyright laws of the United States and/or other jurisdictions, as well as various international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of the Work is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Rational Software Corporation.

Legal Notices Information


This document provides information about the 2003.06.01 release of RUP. For details of updates of the product from previous versions, please refer to the About page in the product.

You can find information about add-on products and upgrades at the RUP Knowledge Center on RDNSM. RUP users should visit this page, from time to time, to check on updates and product information.

Also included is information about:


What's New in This Release
Product Documentation
Hardware and Software Information
Client Requirements
Server Requirements
Getting Started
Installation Information
Installation Issues
Compatibility Issues
With Rational Products
With Third-Party Products
Restrictions and Guidelines on Using Rational Unified Process
Defects and Changes
Defects fixed in This Release
Contacting Rational Technical Support

What's New in This Release

See Defects fixed in This Release.

Product Documentation

Additional product documentation is available in the following locations:

Installation Guides are available online, either in HTML or PDF format. The online manuals are on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD.
RUP Builder has an online help system, but no longer has a user's guide.
For more information about Rational Software technical publications, see: http://www.rational.com/documentation .

Hardware/Software Information

Refer to the following information for system and software requirements. This section provides basic information on the platforms supported and the hardware and software requirements for running RUP. Refer to Compatibility Issues for more information.

This product has been tested on the following platforms:

Windows 2000 (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator)
Windows NT (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator)
UNIX platforms (Netscape Navigator)

Client Requirements

Hardware Requirements


Any Pentium-based PC-compatible computer system with


Software Requirements


Either of the following supporting software is required


Server Requirements

Hardware Requirements

See Client Requirements.

Software Requirements

See Client Requirements.

Getting Started

Installation Information

After you install a Rational product, you must restart your system before applying this service release. Do not apply this service release until you have restarted your system after installing a Rational product. See installation guide for details.

Installation Issues

There are no known issues regarding upgrading this product from previous releases.

However, in the localized version of RUP, there are files with names in the localized language. The version of RUP installed is determined by the operating system. If the region of the target machine is set to a region that does not support the language set of the operating system, the installation will not complete. For example, if the operating system is Japanese, Japanese RUP will be installed. But if the region is set to US which does not support double byte characters, the unpacking of RUP will fail when it tries to install the files with Japanese file names. No error message is displayed. To prevent this and to make sure RUP installs properly, please make sure the region selected supports the character set of the operating system.

Compatibility Issues

With Previous versions of Rational Unified Process

If you want to view previous versions of Rational Unified Process or customized project websites in Internet Explorer after having installed the JRE plug-in for this release. Go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced and uncheck the box for "Use Java2(vx.x)" where x.x is the version of your JRE plug-in. Doing this allows you to run both JRE and non-JRE applets.

With Third-Party Products

Browser Compatibility

We strongly recommend using the RUP with the most currently available version of your web browser. RUP requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 with SP1 or later. Some older versions of browsers do not allow the full capabilities of the RUP to be exercised.

Other Tools

The following tools and respectively versions are used in constructing the RUP:



Microsoft FrontPage 2000
CorelDraw 9
PhotoShop 5.5

Restrictions and Guidelines on Using Rational Unified Process

  1. Operating System Support for Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

  2. Due to the many JRE plugin versions available for each operating system, the following are the versions that we have tested for tech supported operating system. There are versions that we recommend you use. You may encounter problems with other JRE plugin versions depending on your operating system.

    Windows 2000 and variants JRE Plugin 1.4.1
    Solaris JRE Plugin 1.4.1
    HP-UX JRE RTE 1.4.0_03 and Plugin 1.4


  3. Installation of JRE Runtime Environment

  4. The RUP application is generally installed to systems by someone who has administrator privileges. A common "User" is usually not allowed to install any applications. If the administrator has forgotten to install the correct JRE 1.4.1 plug-in required by the RUP Browser, someone logged in as "User" or other than "Administrator" will observe that the RUP Browser will be hanging during launch without a notification. If this occurs, notify the system administrator to install the required version of the JRE plug-in.

  5. UNIX platforms

  6. When launching the RUP Netscape Navigator on UNIX, a warning dialog may appear:

    Netscape: subprocess diagnostics (stdout/stederr)

    Warning: Name: HorScrollBar Class: XmScrollBar The scrollbar page increment is less than 1

    This occurs whenever the horizontal scrollbar must be displayed; that is, it may not occur if your initial window is large enough that the left panel doesn't need a scrollbar.

    You may disable dialogs for warning and error messages, and redirect messages to a file using the following command:

    netscape –xrm ‘*useStderrDialog: False’ –xrm ‘*useStdoutDialog: False’ >&/tmp/log.$USER.ns

    1. Long startup times on UNIX

      It can take more than one minute to start the RUP online on UNIX. Also the search engine can take up to one minute to start. This is due to the slow start up of the Java virtual machine.

    2. Font Settings using Netscape 4.7x

      For users of Netscape 4.7x, if the default fonts are too small, the following changes to your preferences should solve the problem:

      • Go to Edit>Preferences>Fonts
      • Select "Use my default fonts, overriding document specified fonts"
      • Set the default variable width font to Helvetica 12.
      • Set the default fixed width font to Courier 12.

    3. Enabling JRE Plug-in for Netscape 4.7x on Solaris

      To enable the Sun JRE plug-in for your Netscape 4.7x browser, if it is not already enabled, you can set the NPX_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable. This environment variable must point to the installed Sun JRE plug-in location containing the javaplugin.so file.

      For example, on SPARC processor platforms, the default location of javaplugin.so for the package installation is in /usr/j2se/jre/plugin/sparc/ns4. You can then set the variable by using the command:

      setenv NPX_PLUGIN_PATH /usr/j2se/jre/plugin/sparc/ns4

      Use the absolute path.

      Furthermore, you may need to restart your Netscape 4.7x browser twice for the plug-in to be picked up. To check whether the plug-in is enabled, do Help -> About Plug-ins to confirm that the plug-in is loaded.

    4. HP-UX 11.x
    5. If you will get an error stating that there is an "out of memory" problem while publishing using RUP Builder, you can change certain kernal parameters to resolve this problem. The underlying cause is that for most Java applications, the kernel parameters, specifically, max_thred_proc, is by default, set at too low a value. As a result, there are not enough kernel threads to support the Java application and this manifests as an "out of memory" error.

      More information can be found at: http://www.hp.com/products1/unix/java/infolibrary/prog_guide/java1_3/configuration.html

      Furthermore, the tools used to determine the current parameter values (HPjconfig) and to modify them (Jave out-of-box tool) can be found from HP.com website.

      In testing, these are the tuned parameters that we have found to fix the problem:

      ParamNames Param Fomulas Recommended Tuned Valules
      max_thread_proc 64 3000
      maxdsiz 0x10000000 2063835136
      maxfiles 60 2048
      maxfiles_lim 1024 2048
      maxusers 32 512
      ncallout (16+NKTHREAD) 6000
      nfile (16*(NPROC+16+MAXUSERS)/10+32+2*(NPTY+NSTRPTY+NSTRTEL)) 3000
      NKTHREAD (((NPROC*7)/4)+16) 6000
      NPROC (20+8*MAXUSERS) 2068


    6. Using RUP Builder on HP with HP RTE 1.4.0_03 and plug 1.4

      There is a known defect for users of the process view editor on HP machines with the HP RTE 1.4.0_03 and plugin 1.4. During drag and drop operations, when you hold the drag and drop pointer on the target node for a few seconds in order to expand the target node, an exception will occur in the Java plugin, and the machine will freeze and you will need to reboot it. Note that this does not affect regular drag and drop operations, only the case when you hold the pointer for a few seconds in order to expand the target mode.

      The workaround is to expand the target node first, and then drag and drop the source to it or to any of its children.

    7. Using MyRUP on HP with HP RTE 1.4.0_03 and plug 1.4

      There is a known defect for users of MyRup on HP machines with the HP RTE 1.4.0_03 and plugin 1.4. During drag and drop operations on a MyRup tree, when you hold the drag and drop pointer on the target node for a few seconds in order to expand the target node, an exception will occur in the Java plugin, and the machine will freeze and you will need to reboot it. Note that this does not affect regular drag and drop operations, only the case when you hold the pointer for a few seconds in order to expand the target node.

      The workaround is to expand the target node first, and then drag and drop the source to it or to any of its children.

    8. "Add From Default Tree" feature not available on Netscape 4.78

      Netscape 4.78 prevents drag and drop from the "Default Tree" window to your "MyRUP" tree in the main browser. This feature does work with Netscape 4.79.

  7. Netscape Browsers

  8. ‘Banners’ on page titles are not correctly displayed using some versions of Netscape Navigator and Communicator. The problem is purely cosmetic and does not affect use of the product. 

    1. Delay using "Where Am I" navigation button

      You will experience a delay when the "Where Am I" navigation button is pressed for the first time while browsing the RUP. 

    2. Netscape Navigator on UNIX Banner Display problems

      Netscape Navigator has problems displaying trademark () and registered () symbols in the title banners. They will show up as a question mark (?).

    3. Launching RUP using Netscape 4.7x

      When starting up RUP using Netscape 4.7x, the following known problems may occur:

      1. An error indicating that the index.htm file not found. Users can simply click on OK and continue.
      2. A second error indicating that the Java Plug-in could not be loaded. To resolve problem, go to http://java.sun.com/products/archive/j2se/1.4.1/index.html and manually install the plugin. The Java Plug-in must be installed after Netscape is installed. The sequence of installation is important.
      3. On Windows NT4, after installing the Java Plug-in from step 2 above, users will have to manually enable the plug-in by going to Edit ->Presferences->Advanced and enable both the Java and the Java plug-in.


  9. Microsoft Browsers

    1. Browser Window too Small

      When using Windows 2000 or Windows 98, if the Internet Explorer browser window is too small to display the tree browser, the RUP will not be displayed properly. You will need to increase the browser window size and refresh.

    2. Printing Error

      When the cursor is in the tree browser frame, if one tries to print the content in the main frame by selecting File > Print. The product splash screen will be displayed in the main frame under you click on another node in the tree browser. The output of the print job will be blank.Use the Print icon located on the banner instead.


  11. General Errors

    1. The Java Applets Do Not Run with version 3.x of Netscape and Microsoft browsers

      Using Internet Explorer 3.x and Netscape 3.x, you cannot run the Java applets, such as the tree browser in the left frame. When you start the RUP, using IE 3.x, a new window will be displayed that

      a) Directs you to the Microsoft or Netscape home pages to download the latest version of the browser.

      b) Gives you the option to use the Site Map to browse the Unified Process using version 3.x of the browser.

    2. The Java Applets do not run with browsers which do not support Java applets (IE 2.x and Netscape 2.x)

      The RUP uses Java applets to provide search, index and navigation capabilities; use of browsers that do not support Java applets is not supported. See browser compatibility note above.

      Browsing the Unified Process using non-Java compliant browsers can be accomplished with a loss of functionality using the web page ./sitemap/sitemap.htm under the Unified process install directory.

    3. Disk Space Usage

      29 MB (Windows NT). Run the DOS command chkdsk for information on your file system.

      UNIX 30 MB

    4. Crude Formatting using Netscape Navigator 3.x and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x

      Navigator 3.x and IE 3.x do not support cascading style sheets (CSS), which are used by the RUP. This means that the formatting and layout is crude on Navigator 3.x and IE 3.x. We strongly recommend upgrading to a newer release of your browser.

    5. Small fonts

      If you find the text font to be too small you can change the web-browsers default font. This will make the text on all pages to be displayed with a larger font.

    6. JRE plugin requirements

      JRE1.4.1 plugin must be used for both IE and Netscape. Windows users who have installed RUP from the CD can install the JRE plug-in by running j2re-1_4_1-windwos-i586-i.exe from common\rwp\JRE_plugins folder where RUP is installed. Other RUP users need to get it from the JAVA SUN site http://java.sun.com/products/archive/j2se/1.4.1/index.html. UNIX users need to check on the website for their particular machine (i.e. HP or SUN).

    7. JRE plugin requirements on non-English Operating Systems

      The internationalized version of the JRE plugin must be installed for operating systems with a double-byte character set, for example, Japanese or Chinese. The internationalized version of the JRE can be found from http://java.sun.com/products/archive/j2se/1.4.1/index.html

    8. Java Console present while browsing RUP

      When RUP is started, the Java console starts up and will shut down when RUP is closed.

    9. ATI Radeon Cards

      If your system has an ATI Radeon video card, you might experience undesired behavior. To find out whether your system has this type of video card, right-mouse click on your desktop -> Settings -> Advanced -> Adapter. There is an existing problem with the JRE used to run RUP and the driver for the ATI Radeon cards, which will intermittently, cause your system to freeze when you run or shutdown RUP. ATI has release a new driver which seems to fix the problem. The driver is available from Windows Update. Go to Drivers Update -> ATI Technologies Video card. You can also put the line "-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true" in the parameter string for your plug-in. Go to Control Panel, Java Plug-in, Advanced Tab. Put the above line into text box for Java Runtime parameters.

    10. Publish From RUP Builder

      DO NOT use any other characters other than ASCII for the directory location where you will be publishing to. This applies to the entire length of the path. There are 128 ASCII characters (US keyboard layout).

    11. Issues with earlier versions of the JRE plug-in, other than version 1.4.1

      Should you have an earlier version of a JRE plug-in installed, particularly version 1.3.1_02, the user will not be prompted to install JRE 1.4.1 plug-in. Although the RUP Browser can be launched and the content can be viewed, the SaveAs feature will not work (left button above tree browser and tree tabs). The SaveAs function is needed to save a default tree as a new customizable MyRUP tree. Without being able to save default trees, none of the MyRUP customization features will be available. Depending on the version of a JRE other than 1.4.1, various types of undesired behavior may occur on your system.

      IMPORTANT: Ensure that your Java Runtime Environment plug-in is at version 1.4.1. To do so, follow these steps:
      - Double click the Java coffee cup in your system tray in the right bottom corner. The version of your JRE can be seen at the top.
      - OR: go to start menu: Start > Settings > Control Panel. Open and verify the Java Plug-in entries (featuring a coffee cup icon). There might be multiple entries. Check the version under the About tab. To manually disable earlier versions of the JRE go to the Browser tab and uncheck the boxes next to the browsers listed.
      - If you do NOT have JRE 1.4.1 installed, you need to download it.
      - Download and install JRE 1.4.1 available at http://java.sun.com/products/archive/j2se/1.4.1/index.html (choose the international version)
      - Installing JRE 1.4.1 should disable earlier versions.

Defects and Changes

  1. Full Path required in Publish Location

    In RUP Builder, when you do not put the full path to the folder that you want to publish to, the folder will automatically be
    put in the RUP Builder installed directory. When publishing is completed, and you are prompted to view the website, an error may occur as a result of the web browser not being given the full path to the folder location in the installed directory.

    Normally, as a user, you should put in the full path to the folder where you want to publish, such as "C:\Program Files\MyPublishedFolder" or "\\MyUNCServerLocation\MyPublishedFolder".

  2. Defects logged in RATLC database for Rational Installer - RATLC00688306 Revised "Blue Screen" Install Solution Overview

    Rational Installer Incompatible with Windows "Change Journal" Feature

    Rational has determined that under certain circumstances file system corruption can result from installing Rational Version 2003 products on Windows 2000 to an NTFS partition that has the windows "Change Journal" (log) enabled on it. Rational is actively working with Microsoft to better understand and identify a fix for the problem.

    Before installing any Rational Version 2003 product on a computer running Windows 2000, please read Rational Solution 182435434 at http://solutions.rational.com/solutions/display.jsp?solutionID=182435434 for latest information. Alternatively, you can search the Rational Solutions Knowledge Base at http://solutions.rational.com/solutions for the text "Change Journal".

  3. Defects logged in RATLC database for Rational Unified Process and RUP Browser

    • RATLC00367528: RUP locks up when PVCS is on the machine
    • RATLC00513210: Rose and Robot Tool Mentors come up as blank screens
    • RATLC00513484: RUP hangs when starting up HP-UX with JRE 1.4.1
    • RATLC00513735: "viewrup" does not appear to recognize JRE 1.4.1 on Solaris
  4. Defects logged in RATLC database for RUP Builder

    • RATLC00036517: Builder crashes when there is & or % in the name of publication directory
    • RATLC00036588: RUP Builder does not publish to an UNC path
    • RATLC00036486: Keyword Index Applet indexes temporary files
    • RATLC00036640: <<rupReplaces>> not properly handled

Defects fixed in this release

Files changed by this release

Additional Information

Contacting Rational Customer Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Customer Support as follows:

Your Location Telephone Facsimile E-mail
North America

(800) 433-5444
(toll free)

(408) 863-4000
Cupertino, CA

(781) 676-2460
Lexington, MA

Europe, Middle East, Africa

+ 31 (0) 20 4546 200

+31 (0) 20 4545 202

Asia Pacific

+61 2 9419 0111

+61 2 9419 0123


When you contact Rational Customer Support, please be prepared to supply the following information: