Copyright © 2003 Rational. All Rights Reserved.
Any reproduction or distribution of this work is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Rational.
This document provides information about the 2003.06.01 service release for Rational ClearQuest, including information on fixed defects. This service release provides enhancements and fixes for defects in Rational ClearQuest 2003.06.00. For more information about ClearQuest 2003.06.00, see the ClearQuest Release Notes.
Contacting Rational Customer Support
For information about hardware/software requirements for this release, refer to the Installation Guide for Rational ClearQuest 2003.06.00.
After you install a Rational product, you must restart your system before applying this service release. Do not apply this service release until you have restarted your system after installing a Rational product.
If you do not know which product versions you have installed on your system, click Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational Software Installed Product Information.
For information about installing this service release, see the Service Release Notes.
Documentation for ClearQuest is available on line. Click Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational ClearQuest > Online Help.
Defect Number | Description |
RATLC00446058 | Corrects a defect that could cause loss of data when changing a Constant List to a Dynamic List in ClearQuest Designer. |
RATLC00695141 | Corrects a defect that could cause previous versions of Rational ClearCase from functioning after installing the ClearQuest Version 2003.06.00 Shipping Server. |
RATLC00695353 | Corrects a defect in ClearQuest that could prevent Rational Test Manager Service Releases from installing on a Windows 98 platform. |
RATLC00695903 | Corrects a defect with the AdResultSet::Execute method in order to retrieve multiple rows from the database, improving system performance. |
RATLC00695907 | Corrects a defect that causes ClearQuest to retrieve the entire content of text fields in a result grid that were previously truncated. This correction improves performance due to fewer calls to database tables. |
RATLC00695908 | Corrects a defect in the mkreplica import process where oplog serial numbers were not correctly updated after the mkreplica -import command had completed. |
RATLC00695922 | Corrects a defect in ClearQuest Mail Reader where carriage return and other non-standard characters are inserted into ClearQuest records |
RATLC00695980 | Corrects a defect in ClearQuest that could prevent Project Tracker from displaying query results when using the Import New Records From ClearQuest command. |
RATLC00696067 | Corrects a defect where older ClearQuest User database upgrades would not complete successfully. |
RATLC00696074 | Corrects a defect where data between ClearQuest MultiSite, HPUX-based master replica database tables could be inconsistent. |
RATLC00696266 | Corrects a defect in ClearQuest-generated SQL statements that have security context enabled, producing statements that are too long for Oracle to process. |
RATLC00696580 | Corrects a defect that could cause ClearQuest to recieve Out of Memory errors when performing a duplicate/unduplicate or close action, or when the server has been running for several hours with many concurrent users. |
RATLC00696617 | Corrects a defect that causes an increasing number of process blocks on the database server as the number of connections increase. The correction limits the process blocks and improves system performance. |
RATLC00696630 | Corrects a defect with ClearQuest APIs when used to run reports via Crystal Reports. The correction prevents inadvertent message box dialogs from displaying. |
RATLC00374124 | Corrects a defect that prevents the IBM Rational Software products Project Console and SoDA from working properly with ClearQuest. |
RATLC00444942 | Corrects a defect that could cause trend charting to fail when a field contains an empty (null) value. |
RATLC00693901 | Corrects a defect where information entered into the ClearQuest user profile options in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET appears to be ignored. With this correction you see the changes made to a user profile without having to reconnect to the database. |
RATLC00695744 | Corrects a defect that causes the Keywords query to not work correctly if you use dynamic fields in queries. Without the fix, you must select Is Null each time you run a dynamic query for the correct result set. |
RATLC00695887 | Corrects a defect on an error message, from the multiutil rmreplica command, when you attempt to delete the last family at a site without changing the mastership of schema repository objects. The text now indicates that there was an error and that the replica was not removed. |
RATLC00696113 | Corrects a defect that causes a query to return an incorrect result set if you use IS NOT NULL as a filter. |
RATLC00696117 | Corrects a ClearQuest UNIX defect to prevent cqtool from automatically running in the background when the -gui option is used. This correction prevents the submit and find_record subcommands to not automatically run in the background when the -gui option is specified. |
RATLC00696154 | Correct an Export Grid issue that prevents exporting multiple records when you select them from a result set. Without this correction, you must create a query that returns the desired records and export all of them. |
RATLC00696198 | Corrects a defect where Validation is succeeding when creating an aux entity with duplicate keys on a Multisited database when it is not supposed to succeed. |
RATLC00696258 | Corrects a defect where Record type family queries fail when run from ClearQuest Web. This correction works for new Record type families. For existing Record type families, delete and re-create the record type families. |
RATLC00696260 | Corrects a defect where expired timestamp entries are not updated properly when ClearQuest MultiSite is used. This correction ensures that when actions are performed the correct history entries are expired. |
RATLC00696915 | Corrects a defect that causes ClearQuest Designer to fail if you try deleting a global script if there are both Perl and VBScript scripts with the same name. |
RATLC00696936 | Corrects an attachment control defect where the Attachment field is deleting files that it is supposed to attach. The correction prevents files being deleted when you drag files, which have been just added in edit mode, within the attachment control. |
RATLC00696946 | Corrects a defect that causes the Mailreader to not display context sensitive help. |
RATLC00697266 | Corrects a defect where the import schema utility (cqload importschema) incorrectly imports scripts for field hooks that have been removed from the exported schema. |
RATLC00698737 | Corrects a defect that causes the About box to not display the version of the product if multiple products are installed and the version of one of them does not match the others. |
RATLC00699656 | Corrects a defect where the last field in a record does not appear when using the ClearQuest Import Tool. |
The IBM software support Internet site provides you with self-help resources and electronic problem submission. The IBM Software Support homepage can be found at www.ibm.com/software/support.
Voice Support is available to all current contract holders via a telephone number in your country (where available). For specific country phone numbers, please refer to the IBM Software Support Handbook, Appendix B: Contact Information, found at www.ibm.com/software/support.