Rational Rose RealTime
Technical Application Note
Reviewer Check List
TAN 17244: Chinese Operating System - Error reading file X at line XXXXX

Reviewed by Stephen Beneteau

Approval status: Yes


1. Please indicate versions of Rational Rose RealTime. Or if the problem is indicated with models, specify the versions used to create the model.

example: Rational Rose RealTime Model Version 2000.02.10, 2001.03.00, 2001a.04.00

2. The RESOLUTION suggests replacing all the occurrences of """ to "<<" and all the occurrences of """ to ">>" within the model text (by opening the *.rtmdl in a text editor. I can't check this because I don't have the Chinese operating system but is this the way they would appear in a text editor on the Chinese OS?

3. It appears that this problem is very specific to the OS and yet the OS: says not applicable. Please change this to specify the Chinese Windows 2000, Chinese WinNT, Chinese Solaris?

4. There is nothing in the DEFECT #: is there not a defect related to this problem?

5. As a proactive measure, is there not a script we could provide which would search for these characters and make the replacement in the model files?

6. Please update labels PATCH #:, and REFERENCES:, with N/A.

7. Please update REVISED: field with the last date modified. This would be the same as the creation date on a new TAN.

Description Checked See Comments N/A
Applicable Product versions should be correctly identified true true
Procedures are clearly identified and the review shows them to be correct. (nothing missing) true true
Error messages are reproducible. not checked
Defect created on documentation false true
All previous comments have been addressed (to your knowledge) not checked