Technical Application Note
Reviewer Check List
TAN 24447: RoseRT JavaScript for searching K

Reviewed by Ian MacWilliam

Approval status: yes


Very cool!!!

spell check: Favourites ==> Favorites

Maybe it is spelled that way in OZ :-) just like in Canada, but here we adhere to the American spellings :-(

(if not text is selected) ==> (if no text is selected)

I tried the links out from the attachment to the TN and it works great!

But, if someone doesn't bother with the attachment, you might want to explain what to do with the embedded JavaScripts at the bottom of the technote.

This appears to be exclusively for Internet Explorer and not Netscape. Perhaps you should explicitly state this somewhere. (title, keywords...)

Description Checked See Comments N/A
20. Spelling has been verified false true  
23. Acronyms and terms are well defined. (long TANs should have glossary) not checked
24. Acronyms and terms are consistent with other TANs and documentation not checked