IBM Rational Rose RealTime

Release Notes


Version iFix003

Before using this information, be sure to read the general information under Appendix. Notices.



About this document

Who should read this document

Related information

About IBM Rational Rose RealTime v7.0.0.1 iFix003

Installing Rose RealTime v7.0.01 iFix003

Installing on Windows

Installing on Solaris

Installing on Linux

Compatibility Issues

With Third-Party Products

Rose RealTime Petal Format or Code Generation

Rose RealTime TargetRTS Changes

Announcements, Changes and Known Issues

Status of change requests

Problems fixed in v7.0.0.1 iFix003

Problems fixed in v7.0.0.1 iFix002

Problems fixed in v7.0.0.1 iFix001

Files Changed or Added by this iFix

Files Common to all Platforms (Windows, Solaris & Linux)




Contacting IBM Customer Support for Rational software products

Appendix. Notices


About this document

This iFix003 Release Note is in addition to the Release Note for Rose RealTime v7.0.0.1.

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2008. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM(R) Corp.

This document provides information about installing and using IBM Rational Rose RealTime, including system and software requirements; new features and enhancements; current known issues and defects fixed.

Who should read this document

This document provides information intended for these users:

§         System administrators who install and configure Rational Rose RealTime

§         Project managers who use Rational Rose RealTime models and documents

§         Advanced users who implement integrations of Rational Rose RealTime with other products, work on international systems and localized versions of the product, or encounter problems that are undocumented in the product documentation

Related information

Documentation for IBM Rational is available on-line at

About IBM Rational Rose RealTime v7.0.0.1 iFix003

This chapter describes updates to the documentation that pertain to installing Rational Rose RealTime v7.0.0.1 iFix003.

System and software requirements

This iFix supports the following Operating Systems:

§         Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP4; XP Professional with SP2, Vista Business SP1

§         Red Hat Linux v8.0, 9.0, Enterprise 3 & 4

§         SUN Solaris 8, 9 & 10

Post installation steps


Run the toolset and ensure that the version number is correct. In Rational Rose RealTime, click Help > About Rational Rose RealTime and verify that the version number for Rational Rose RealTime is 6.6.3326.0 (Solaris & Linux); 6.6.3327.0 (Windows).


If you wish to take advantage of the problems fixed in the code generators, you need to rebuild and re-link your models.


No additional steps are required.

RTJava Models

No additional steps are required.

C TargetRTS

If you wish to take advantage of the problems fixed in the C TargetRTS, you need to rebuild your Target RTS libraries and re-link your models.

C++ TargetRTS

If you wish to take advantage of the problems fixed in the C++ TargetRTS, you need to rebuild your Target RTS libraries and re-link your models.


If you wish to take advantage of the problems fixed in the DCS, you need to rebuild and re-link your models. It will also be necessary to rebuild the DCS library if your target is not one of the pre-built DCS libraries supplied in this Release.

Installing Rose RealTime v7.0.01 iFix003

This section describes installing Rational Rose RealTime Version iFix003.

Note:  Rose RealTime v7.0.0.1 must be installed before installing this iFix.

Rose RealTime v7.0.0.1 iFix003 Windows Installation Instructions

§         Verify Rational Rose RealTime v7.0.0.1 is installed by running Start > Programs > IBM Rational > Rational Software Installed Product Information.


You should see IBM Rational Rose RealTime * Build ID

§         Download the iFix specific to your v7.0.0.1 Release.

§         Once downloaded double-click on the iFix *msp file to begin the installation.

§         Press Update

§         Press Next

§         Press Install

§         Installation Complete

§         Verify Rational Rose RealTime v7.0.0.1 iFix003 is installed by running Start > Programs > IBM Rational > Rational Software Installed Product Information.

§         The build-id for Rose RealTime should be

Rose RealTime v7.0.0.1 iFix003 Solaris Installation Instructions

§         setenv $ROSERT_HOME <rational_dir>/releases/RoseRT. if you are using C Shell. On Bourne, K and/or Bash Shell enter:

export ROSERT_HOME=<rational_dir>/releases/RoseRT.

§         copy RoseRT.v7.0.0.1.iFix003.sun5.tar.gz to temporary directory

§         run the following command to unzip the patch:

gunzip < RoseRT.v7.0.0.1.iFix003.sun5.tar.gz | tar xpf -

                  It will create a directory "700806031-1"

§         cd 700806031-1

§         run "./install_sol_700806031-1"

This command will back-up the pertinent files in your Release and install the iFix.  You will then have the following options:

You can later run this install script to restore Rose RealTime 7.0 to its state prior to installing patch:


$ROSERT_HOME/install/patches/install_sol_700806031-1 -restore


You can later run this install script to commit patch 700806031-1.  If you do this, you cannot restore later.

$ROSERT_HOME/install/patches/install_sol_700806031-1 -commit


Committing a patch will save disk space by removing the backup files.


Rose RealTime v7.0.0.1 iFix003 Linux Installation Instructions

§         setenv  ROSERT_HOME <rational_dir>/ releases/RoseRT. if you are using C Shell. On Bourne, K and/or Bash Shell enter:

export ROSERT_HOME=<rational_dir>/releases/RoseRT.

§         copy RoseRT.v7.0.0.1.iFix003.linux.tar.gz to temporary directory

§         run the following command to unzip the patch

gunzip < RoseRT.v7.0.0.1.iFix003.linux.tar.gz | tar xpf -

                   It will create a directory "700806033-8"

§         cd 700806033-8

§         run "./ install_linux_700806033-8"

This command will back-up the pertinent files in your Release and install the iFix.  You will then have the following options:

You can later run this install script to restore Rose RealTime 7.0 to its state prior to installing patch:


$ROSERT_HOME/install/patches/ install_linux_700806033-8-restore


You can later run this install script to commit patch 700711211_8.  If you do this, you cannot restore later.

$ROSERT_HOME/install/patches/ install_linux_700806033-8 -commit


Committing a patch will save disk space by removing the backup files.

Compatibility Issues

This section describes any compatibility issues that could arise from use of this iFix.


With Third-Party Products

This iFix does not introduce any known compatibility issues with third-party products.

Rose RealTime Petal Format or Code Generation Impacts

This iFix does not impact or include changes to existing Petal Format.

There are some Code Generation changes included, but none of the changes would cause compatibility issues.  The Code Generation changes are listed below.


Problem ID


Rose RealTime C

IC50696;  RATLC00146713

Excluding a port can corrupt the bindings for the application.

This could lead to messages arriving on the wrong port and/or causing the application to crash.

Rose RealTime C

PK00107; RATLC00141383

The rtcgen option –crlf not working correctly.

Rose RealTime TargetRTS Impacts

This iFix includes a fix to copy data to a non-critical section efficiently allowing the mutex to be available for any higher priority thread much more quickly.  

Refer to the document entitled “Rose_RealTime_v7.0.0.1_iFix003_TargetRTS_Changes.htm” for a complete description of the changes.


After applying this iFix you will need to re-build your custom TargetRTS libraries.


  1. Re-build Connexis using the latest "TargetRTS” libraries.
  2. Re-build your application using latest "TargetRTS" libraries.


Announcements, Changes and Known Issues

Rational Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) product support statement:


VxWorks 6.0 Integration

The Rose RealTime / VxWorks 6.0 Integration includes:


-         Kernel Mode Integration

-         RTP Mode Integration


Vxworks 6.0 Kernel Mode Integration:


Includes modified TargetRTS (including C/C++) sources compatible with VxWorks 6.0.

Integration supported on target board with PPC603 cpu and VxWorks 6.0 image.


You may deploy any Rose RealTime model on a supported board and run as usual.  (Entry point for Rose RealTime model remains as “rtsMain” method.)


IMPORTANT:  In order to run existing models on VxWorks 6.0, it will be necessary to rebuild and link with the libraries supplied with this iFix.  It will be necessary to choose one of the new targets installed with this iFix.


The new targets are a combination of:


SIMNT (VxWorks 6.0 Simulator)

PPC603 Board (i.e. any target board with MPC8260 or compatible processor)

Diab & GNU Compilers


Vxworks 6.0 Real Time Process Mode Integration:


Rose Real Time now provides limited support for the Vxworks RealTime Process (RTP) feature. Rose Real Time supports specific Target-RTS configurations in relation to the VxWorks 6.x RTP feature. Please refer to the document README_RoseRT_iFix03_VxWorks_6x_RTP_Integration.rtf for complete details.


Known Issues

IC37352:  RATLC00516264 - During code generation, the following error message is issued and the code generation stopped:

Error: INTERNAL ERROR: File I/O error while trying to open <path tomodel file>/ScratchPad.rtlogpkg

You may ignore the missing scratchpad files by un-checking the option provided in Tools > Option > File tab >Load


IC14929:  RATLC00145010 - It is not possible to Revert an auto merge in Model Integrator.

The Selection Edit > Undo, and Merge > Revert is grayed out.

In the Model Integrator merge mode, expand the hierarchy in the model browser and select myCap > State Machine > Initial > {transition arrow}.
Select body from the property view. Click inside the text view window. Now, the default selection of contributors can be changed


PK30274: RATLC00146301: Rose RealTime: Crash E-Mail may include truncated information

Rose RealTime crash reports may become truncated. This problem occurs when the user enters a line with more than 250 characters using wrap-around feature of the shell. The solution is to press <ENTER> between each line without using the wrap-around feature of the terminal.



IC40191:RATLC00520562: Rose RealTime documentation implies that reply() only can be used with synchronous communication


reply() can also be used in asynchronous communication. The Receiver doesn't need to know the type of communication. The desired behavior of the Receiver in relation to the reply() message is defined in "C++ Reference -> C++ Services Library -> Communication Services -> Asynchronous and Synchronous Communication".


Status of Change Requests

Problems fixed in v7.0.0.1 iFix003



Problem ID


Rose RealTime Connexis

IC50750: RATLC00146784 

Connexis CRM connection not re-established in certain situations.

The following option now available for the listener to wait to re-establish the connection:

Use -CNXlwt=<value> in milliseconds in Component Specification dialog box, as a parameter

Rose RealTime Connexis


DCS model may not build correctly with GCC 3.4.6 compiler.

Rose RealTime Model Integrator


Rose RealTime Model Integrator may produce corrupt code.

Rose RealTime TargetRTS

PK52200: RATLC00395480

A panic could occur during message delivery throughout intensive threads creation and deletion.

A race condition existed in RTPeerController and RTController. Included fix for the Target-RTS controller.

Rose RealTime TargetRTS


Enhancement to include the following new C++ Targets (support for Connexis and C libraries not included):

-- SLED 10 GNU g++ 4.1.0
-- Solaris 10 GNU g++ 3.4.6
-- Windows GNU g++ 3.4.4

Rose RealTime Toolset

IC42902: RATLC00528906

Rose Real Time may crash upon printing when using specific PPD file.

Rose RealTime Toolset

IC55010: RATLC00398070

Return type disappears in an operation when entering parameter.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK15530: RATLC00143921 

Duplicate operations in Sequence Diagram may cause model inconsistencies.

Sequence diagram copy-paste-cut operations of a signal could cause Rose RealTime to crash,

leading to model corruption.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK29906: RATLC00146172 

Updated Rose RealTime RUP-SE document.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK35209: RATLC00551130

Suppressing In signals may distort the Out signals compartment.

When suppressing In signals compartment on a protocol, the diagram element may resize so that the Out signals are not displayed correctly.

Now, In and Out signals display properly.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK35937: RATLC00147548

The "Replace" feature may  not work correctly when the search string contains special characters like "&" and "|"

Escape characters to search ‘&’ and ‘|’.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK42866: RATLC01199910

When using the Trace Tool, you may receive a message stating:

"Rose RealTime item text was changed -- changing text in RequisitePro from to… "

This occurred even though the documentation field of the Rose RealTime element was not changed.

Also, the history of the requirement showed a new version being created.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK47197: RATLC00962991 

Find in may not correctly find strings from a code field of an operation of a nested class.

Rose Real Time is now capable of searching the strings in code of nested classes.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK49511: RATLC01194065

Select in Browser from the "Find in" option may not select the element correctly.

The function for the "Select in Browser" has been modified. As a result the "Select in Browser" works for all the "Find in" results.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK53327: RATLC00395801

Stereotype Package icon in Logical View changes after rolling up the view.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK54226: RATLC00306429 

AltGr key not handled correctly on Rose RealTime Linux when using non-English Keyboards.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK56474: RATLC01245114

Duplicating capsule and accessing State Diagram of duplicate capsule may cause Rose RealTime to crash with the following stack trace error:

N: :__1cNCOStateVertexMGetAncestors6kMrnKOrdCollect__v_

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK59043: RATLC00562336

Following crash may occur in Rose Solaris or Linux, when printing:

N: :__1cPFontDrawCharsetFbInit6MpnLtagLOGFONTA__i_

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK59332: RATLC00562492 

The following crashes could occur if selecting a line in code window (if it includes spaces) using the Shift+Home key combination, and then pressing any other key:




N: :__1cSSECEditBlockBufferOIsLineColValid6Mii_i_

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK60016: RATLC01353838 

Unable to share path maps across users in team development environment.

Rose RealTime is now able to read path maps from file. Please refer Additional Information for more information

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK61943: RATLC00563865 

Rose RealTime may hang when using mouse wheel.


Problems fixed in v7.0.0.1 iFix002

These fixes also included in v7.0.0.1 iFix003



Problem ID


Rose RealTime C

IC50696;  RATLC00146713

Excluding a port can corrupt the bindings for the application.

This could lead to messages arriving on the wrong port and/or causing the application to crash.

Rose RealTime Connexis


Command line option added to enable TCP_NODELAY to Connexis.

A new parameter -CNXtdn has been provided. When this parameter is specified while running the Connexis application, then the TCP_NODELAY option will be enabled and the socket connections will be created the TCP_NODELAY option.

Rose RealTime Model Integrator

PK34229;  RATLC00147203

The Rose RealTime Model Integrator may report invalid differences.

Rose RealTime Model Integrator

PK42433;  RATLC00148409

The Rose RealTime Model Integrator does not convert all paths to Windows style '$&\\'.

When all files in a merge contain the UNIX style path this will not be converted to a Windows style path when merging the files.

The registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rational Software\Rose RealTime\6.5\UseWindowsPathSeparator is added as part of fix for RATLC00548967.

When the file contains UNIX path separators and the registry entry is set to Yes, the merged model was not getting updated with the Windows path. The case for this is now added and handled correctly.

Rose RealTime TargetRTS

PK46728;  RATLC00556753

Model may abort execution with error message "deliver(): Invalid signal".

Rose RealTime Toolset

IC43822;  RATLC00141020

The environment line may move automatically over objects in Sequence Diagram.
It may cover the object.

You must manually draw (adjust) the environment line back from the object.
This causes problems when reading and when printing diagrams.

Now, the environment line will be adjusted automatically when objects are moved.  The lifeline size gets shortened when messages between interaction instances are deleted.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK14374;  RATLC00143831

Invalid interaction instances can occur when aggregating capsule roles.

When aggregating a capsule role using the Parts > Aggregate menu choice, the interaction instances specified by the aggregated capsule role may become corrupt in sequence diagrams.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK14378;  RATLC00143833

Pasting a port into a subclass capsule may incorrectly modify the base class capsule.

When a capsule inherits another capsule, then that base class capsule gets modified when pasting a port into its subclass capsule.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK29700;  RATLC00146079

Scroll bar may appear outside the screen when performing Insert Dependency.

When adding a dependency to a class from the class specification dialog Relation tab, the window displaying the list of possible classes extends past the entire width of the screen. This is caused by the long qualified names of the classes when there is more than one class with the same name.

A new scroll bar has been added with fixed size.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK41500;  RATLC00391337

A type override problem may occur when a name is defined in upper case.

This may occur as described below:

1. Defining BOOL / CHAR and then selecting this as a type in an attribute and selecting Apply, converts to 'bool'/'char' though generated code shows 'BOOL'/'CHAR'.

2. Modifying anything but the type and selecting 'Apply', BOOL/CHAR converts to bool/char in the generated code. To work this around, re-selecting the type is required.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK42880;  RATLC00391833

Scripts under the Rose RealTime mvsvss directory are for ClearCase rather than msvss.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK45659;  RATLC01193492

"Invalid noteview link" warning is not displayed correctly when loading a workspace.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK46138;  RATLC01193570

A uni-directional association between Use Case and Actor is no longer displayed in the browser, after saving the model.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK46213;  RATLC01193581

Collaboration and sequence diagrams are not refreshed automatically.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK49683;  RATLC01189986

Performance degradation after pasting text in Find… dialog.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK55655;  RATLC00560514

Specific printer driver (*.ppd) file may cause Rose RealTime to crash “_memcpy”.

Rose RealTime Toolset


Source control Delete and Rename not disabled when right clicking Logical View package.


When an item is not deletable, Delete and Rename options in Source Control is should be disabled for Logical View package, Component View, Deployment View and Model.

Rose RealTime Toolset


Source control rename operation does not work correctly for some model elements.

Rose RealTime Toolset


Performance degradation after performing Find… operation if there are two or more simultaneously active Rose RealTime sessions.

Rose RealTime Web Publisher

PK48388;  RATLC01193921

Activity diagrams nested under a Use Case are not rendered correctly using the Rose RealTime Web publisher.



Problems fixed in v7.0.0.1 iFix001

These fixes also included in v7.0.0.1 iFix002 and v7.0.0.1 iFix003.



Problem ID


Rose RealTime C

PK00107 / RATLC00141383

The -crlf option, which is documented in online Help is not available in the source code.

-crlf option re-enabled, to generate the source code with line endings as –crlf.

Rose RealTime / ClearCase Integration

PK44750 / RATLC01188476

The ClearCase Label operation may fail in Rose RealTime / ClearCase integration when using both Base ClearCase and UCM.

Rose RealTime / ClearCase Integration


Rose RealTime / ClearCase integration check-out operation may fail after performing a ClearCase rename operation.

Rose RealTime CM

PK42560 / RATLC01018081

cmscripts\mvss ‘cm_add’ & ‘cm_checkin’ are duplicates of the similar ClearCase scripts.

Rose RealTime C


Solaris Rose RealTime code generation performance degradation when building models with large classes.

Rose RealTime C++

PK32722 / RATLC00993513

Improved Data copy during Send Operation and Improved RTDictionary::Find operation


If a capsule running on a low priority thread acquires this mutex and tries to send a large amount of data, the TargetRTS layer makes a copy of the data, before releasing the mutex.  If a high priority thread is waiting for the mutex lock, it can potentially starve as the low priority thread must continue to hold the mutex until completing the data copy.


The fix for this defect moves copying of data to a non-critical section, efficiently allowing the mutex to be available for any higher priority thread much more quickly.


Also, the RTDictionary find operation has been improved by adding a new termination condition.

Please refer to Additional Information (below) for necessary build instructions.

Rose RealTime RQA-RT

PK18242 / RATLC00144143

RQA-RT generated executable may have long execution time.

Rose RealTime Toolset

IC38113 / RATLC00517145

In Rose RealTime 2002 (and 2003) the incorrect class name may display for an interaction instance in a Sequence Diagram, in special cases - when sub-classes are utilized.

Rose RealTime Toolset

IC48956 / PK35079 RATLC00144669; RATLC01186774

Rose RealTime may crash or hang when copying inherited states or performing other copy/paste operations in State Diagram.

Solaris Rose RealTime crash: 

N: :__1cPshPropClipboardSMwGetClipboardOpen6M_pnGHWND____

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK28326 / RATLC00992811

Renaming an attribute whose type is the containing class may cause Rose RealTime to crash.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new model.
  2. Add a class to the Logical View package called NewClass1.
  3. Add an attribute to NewClass1 called Att1.
  4. Set the type of Att1 to NewClass1 (To do so, open the Specification for the attribute, and click the Detail tab.)
  5. Click Apply, and then click OK to close the Att1 Specification dialog.
  6. Double click on Att1 to open its Specification again.
  7. Change the name of Att1 (to anything) and click the Apply button.

Work-around:  First change the type of the attribute, click Apply, change the name of the attribute, and then change the type back to the desired type.

The resulting stack overflow problem now resolved.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK30281 / RATLC00045546

The following SUN Solaris Rose RealTime crash could occur when performing ClearCase actions:


Rose RealTime Toolset

PK36207 / RATLC00147600

In protocols which have symmetrical signal (same name on in and out signal), it not possible to use the "Options > Select Compartment Items..." context menu to hide the out signal.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK40061 / RATLC01187603

Access Violation may occur upon opening large model with several Unresolved Reference warnings.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK40362 / RATLC00148207

RRTEI: Method AddLogicalPackageDependency fails to add a dependency.

As per the Rose RealTime Help, AddLogicalPackageDependency takes two arguments.

The second argument is the Name of the supplier logical package dependency relation. Passing just the name of the package, not fully qualified name - the relationship will get created but when trying to create the package on the diagram - the supplier package search fails because of the absence of the fully qualified name and Rose RealTime may crash.

A check is added to check for qualified name and valid name. If name is not qualified or valid, an error dialog is displayed. Please refer to Additional Information (below) for details.

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK47815 / RATLC01193843

After running a "Find in" in the model, the results are displayed in the "Find" output window. In Rose RealTime v2003.06.13, you could right click on an element and choose "Select in Browser" and the browser would navigate to this element.


In Rose RealTime v7.0 and v7.0.0.1, right clicking on the element found - no context menu is displayed, therefore, it is not possible to choose "Select in Browser".


Work-around:  Double-click the element found to open the Properties window for the element and then in the bottom left hand corner of this window, click on "Browse" and choose "Select in Browser".

Rose RealTime Toolset

PK40910 / RATLC00148279

The Rose RealTime / ClearCase “Move” feature is not retained between sessions.

This information is now retained in the *.ini file.

Rose RealTime Toolset


Move Feature for models maintained in ClearCase.

Rose RealTime Web Publisher

IC52000 / RATLC01187656

Linux Only Issue:  Rose RealTime may crash when publishing large diagrams.

Whenever a diagram with more than ~20 mega pixels is encountered, Rose RealTime would crash.

Now, whenever a diagram with more than ~20 mega pixels is encountered, an error dialog box will display to indicate it is necessary to reduce the size of the diagram.

You may either continue Web Publishing by selecting ”Yes” or Cancel the publishing by selecting “No”.  If you choose to continue web publishing, it will skip publishing the large diagram. To publish this diagram, you need to reduce it’s size and re-start web publishing.


Additional Information

§         AddLogicalPackageDependency RRTEI function call (PK40362 / RATLC00148207)

The prototype of the function AddLogicalPackageDependency is:


AddLogicalPackageDependency (theName : String, theSupplierLogicalPackageName : String) : LogicalPackageDependency.

The second argument, theSupplierLogicalPackageName is the name of the supplier package in the dependency relationship. This should be the fully qualified name of the package in the model. You may either specify fully qualified name explicitly or use the RRTEI function GetQualifiedName(). If the supplier package is not found in the model, a script error dialog is presented.


The error dialog will be displayed, in the following scenarios:

1)       The supplier package is not in the model under Logical View.

2)       Logical View::supplier_package is not a fully qualified name.


In this case, you may correct the script or the model accordingly.


§         Improved Data copy During Send Operation and Improved RTDictionary::Find operation (PK32722 / RATLC00993513)

Refer to the document entitled “Rose_RealTime_v7.0.0.1_iFix003_TargetRTS_Changes.htm” for a complete description of the changes.


To incorporate these TargetRTS changes


1.       After applying the TargetRTS source code changes, build the TargetRTS libraries.

2.       It is necessary to rebuild Connexis using the latest "TargetRTS” libraries.

3.       The application also needs to be rebuilt using latest "TargetRTS" libraries.


Note: All Rose RealTime TargetRTS Tornado libraries are provided.  Please, extract only the desired set of libraries ( libObjecTime.a, libObjecTimeTypes.a and main.o ).


§         Added Facility to share Path Maps between Rose RealTime instances (PK60016: RATLC01353838)

Create environment variable RRT_PATHMAP pointing to a text file (called pathmap file below) containing key value pairs of path maps. This file will be used for creating path maps for the session.

Format of the pathmap file

The format of the pathmap file would be <key>=<value> in each line (no spaces).

For example:



Each line in this file will specify one path map entry.

Details of the changes

A new method to create path maps has been implemented. This is  triggered by RRT_PATHMAP variable. The details are defined in the Method 1. Method 2 explains the existing behavior

1.       Method 1:

a.       If the RRT_PATHMAP variable is present, Rose RealTime will read the path maps from the file and will import these into the Rose RealTime session.

b.      ROSERT_HOME path map variable will be picked up from the environment variable ROSERT_HOME.(ROSERT_HOME and ROSERT_HOST are required to start toolset)

c.       The following path maps will be created with default values if they are not defined in the pathmap file, default value is provided in the parentheses.


-         CONNEXIS_HOME ($ROSERT_HOME/Connexis)

-         FRAMEWORK_PATH ($ROSERT_HOME/framework)



-         STEREOTYPES ($ROSERT_HOME/stereotypes)



d.      Editing path maps should be done by editing the pathmap file, only. The Edit Path Map menu item will be disabled, when using this method. It is possible to add path maps using the RRTEI but it is recommended to move all the path maps created by RRTEI to the pathmap file, so that all the users have access to exactly the same pathmaps.

2.       Method 2: use the existing behavior

a.       If the RRT_PATHMAP variable is not defined in the environment, the path maps will be read from the registry.

b.      Editing of path maps through Rose RealTime will be allowed, in this case.



Files Changed or Added by this iFix

Files Common to all Platforms (Windows, Solaris & Linux)






























































































































































All Files under the following folders/directories

























































































































































































































































$ROSERT_HOME\RUP-SE\Add-In Release Notes.doc




All Files under the following folders/directories
































































































































































































































































































All Files under the following folders/directories
















































































































































































































































































































All Files under the following folders/directories


























Contacting IBM Customer Support for Rational software products

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact IBM Customer Support as follows:

The IBM software support Internet site provides you with self-help resources and electronic problem submission. The IBM Software Support Home page for Rational products can be found at

Voice Support is available to all current contract holders by dialing a telephone number in your country (where available). For specific country phone numbers, go to



When you contact IBM Customer Support, please be prepared to supply the following information:

ˇ     Your name, company name, ICN number, telephone number, and e-mail address

ˇ     Your operating system, version number, and any service packs or patches you have applied

ˇ     Product name and release number

ˇ     Your PMR number (if you are following up on a previously reported problem)

Appendix. Notices

This information was developed for products and services offered in various countries throughout the world. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in every country. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:

IBM Director of Licensing

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IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing

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The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.

This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.

Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.

IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact:

IBM Corporation

Department BCFB

20 Maguire Road

Lexington, MA 02421


Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee.

The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us.

Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.

Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products.


This information may contain sample application programs in source language, which illustrates programming techniques on various operating platforms.

Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work, must include a copyright notice as follows:

(c) (your company name) (year). Portions of this code are derived from IBM Corp. Sample Programs. (c) Copyright IBM Corp. _enter the year or years_. All rights reserved.


Additional legal notices may be included with the license agreement accompanying the licensed program described in this document.


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